
The women's liberation movement has completed its mission and is no longer needed?

by Guest58260  |  earlier

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yes or no??




  1. Yes oh god yes disband already.

  2. not in foreign countries

  3. No.  At least, not in America, most of the middle East, China, Korea, India or Japan.

  4. It needs to be refocused. If the forces behind the movement disbanded we would be left with the equivalent of suitcase nukes all over the country.

               People go towards activism mostly because there wired to be more resistant and would find something to complain about(in most cases but not all)

          I think the movement in question should focus more on human liberation and perhaps the ideals of personnel freedom which is lacking today. But the current level of hatred at the helm from the previous era will prevent this until a good many of them are gone. And most of there sexist assertions become not just common knowledge as sexist but accepted as being sexist and removed from society.

             Then I believe the right tone for the next chapter on western civilization(if not the whole of human civilization) could begin.


    I think if minorities and women where treated like Caucasian men where for a day they would cry themselves into oblivion.

       Just because a few people at the top happen to be Caucasian males doesn't mean life is "peach's and creme" for all of us. Any advantage we seem to have is not an advantage but a result of personnel hard work.

  5. No.

  6. When half our elected representatives reflect the gender of half of the population - it will be time.

  7. Feminists sure don't think so.

    They once wanted fair treatment (equity) now they want equal treatment (equality) as Marilyn succinctly pointed out.

    Difference is fair treatment is about how you achieve outcomes. Everyone gets the same opportunity to produce these outcomes

    Equal treatment is about the outcome itself which by definition is obviously always equal. So the opportunity used to create it is often manipulated in favour of the "losing" side to create this equality.

    Point is equal opportunity does not mean equal outcomes, but since feminism wants it we can at least say they no longer want fair treatment of men and women but want them to be equal for the sake of being equal. Unfortunate since there are some nice feminists out there

    EDIT: perfect example- "When half our elected representatives reflect the gender of half of the population - it will be time"

    This is about equality for the sake of being equal. Thanks for illustrating my point you communist =D

  8. Noooooo......needed in developing countries where the mission is a lot harder than in western countries.

  9. The women's liberation movement is an old term that is not used much.

    Now we talk about gender equality.

    Do we have gender equality?

    While we are at it, do we have racial and gender equality?

    Does a woman get treated the same as a man in business, political, and social situations?

    Does a woman of color or of a minority ethnicity get treated the same as a white man?

    When the answer to the above questions is a resounding YES, then we will be a society that is fair and equitable to all.

  10. Women's lib movement was started by the Rockefellers and the government to be able to 1. collect more taxes. 2. break up the family environment and make people rely more on the government.

  11. Yes

    Women in modern society actually have rights and special privileges that men don't even have.

  12. Does anybody else think male victimhood is just enough anti-feminist troll supplying the anti-feminists with false quotes for them to judge all the rest of us by?

  13. i really do not thank so.

  14. No, there are still a few homely, neurotic peons who haven't yet received their 15 minutes of fame.

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