
The word Co-ed is sometimes used to mean a female student at a co-ed university so?

by Guest65064  |  earlier

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what would a male student be called?




  1. A male student is just a male student, as far as I know.

    Co-ed means mixed gender, so female students were called that in places that had previously been male-only.

  2. i just need the points

  3. a co-ed...

  4. Co-ed means co-education, usually referring to a school where male and female students study together rather than a 'single' school meaning only females or males in that school.


  5. The term is out-dated. It harks back to the days when male institutions were opened up to females. So females, being the exception to the rule, received an exceptional classification - Co-ed. At a college such as Vassar or Smith, I imagine that the male students would receive that appelation.

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