
The world could end on Sept 10th, are you scared ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not, but I will make sure I invite a group of beautiful women round to my house just in case ! lol




  1. no am not scared :D! but i wil let you know on september the 11th :p!!!

  2. How many other times was it supposed to end?

  3. There has been claims like that for years.  I heard a similar story about the Los Alamos facility in the US.  The science behind the claims is bogus.  I also doubt the lawsuit actually exists.  Probably falls under the "urban legend" category, and the press picks it up every now and then on a slow news day.

  4. I'm having my cataracts removed on the tenth, so you are wrong.  

  5. My world could end tomorrow if i get hit by a bus - so no not really if it happens it happens.

  6. The end of the world has come and gone billions of times since man first roamed the planet, yet we're still here.

    Having grown up during the height of the cold war, I realise the world could end at any moment. There is no reason to think sept 10 will be any different from any other day. If you're truly worried about it, you only have one more chance to go to church and secure your place in heaven.

  7. I have lost count on the number of claims that the world could end tomorrow and stuff so i have sort of been immune to it already but if it really happens so be it, there is nothing we can do to prevent it.If God really wants it to happen we cannot change his will to carry it out.In the meantime we have to make the most out of what the world has given to us.

    P.S what's your address?i will inform you on Sept 11 if it really happens.

  8. it wont

  9. No, I'm not scared, but thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna start maxing out my credit cards now

  10. The end of the Universe has been predicted in a classic sci-fi comedy called 'The Twilight of the Vilp' in which an unsuccessful invention of an Earth borer intended to travel to the centre of the Earth is converted to a spaceship by the inventor's daughters and the boyfriend of several of them.  (That's one boyfriend, several daughters.)  There is remarkably little about the Vilp in this book.  However our heroines and the boyfriend travel to the planet Puphbohrl.

    Or was it in another book?  Anyway some race of aliens have Universe spanning spacecraft.  One day, one of them pushes the buttons on the dashboard in the wrong order and the Universe vanishes.  

    This scenario is as likely as doom from the LHC.

  11. The world could NOT end on September 10th.

    If you believe any c**p, it might be hard to convince you, but maybe the following fact helps:

    They are not doing any collisions on September 10th, they just start the LHC at low power to calibrate it that day. It is the first time matter is injected into the new circuit, but it will not do any new physics experiments. It does not even accelerate the matter to higher energies as in earlier accelerators.

    The true experiments start 45 days later. And even those have only a unrealistically small chance of causing trouble - not even on the scale of the end of the world or the universe. The total energy inside the LHC is just the same energy as contained inside a 500 lb fighter bomb.

  12. what's your address lol

  13. nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  14. yeah, cuz that happened the first 20 times they said it would....

    it's not that easy to check out man....

    shayt, I got bills to pay, the universe isint just gonna let me off the hook that easy...

  15. ... i have some land to sell you...

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