
The world is as we perceive it, so how can we change perception?

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most of my questions are ones that dont have an exact answer




  1. dont change it ,,leave it as is

  2. Who says we need to change perception?  However you may not be able to change the whole entire world, but you can create the ripple effect.  If you do one more thing positive in your life, your day, your job - then someone else will see that and pay if forward.  Maybe your smile when you get on the bus in the morning, will cause the bus driver to let someone on without exact change, and then that person who is on welfare, will make it to their interview on time, and get a job.....That could be all it takes.  And you've not only made your life/world/day better, you also improved the drivers, the interviewee, interviewers, and the interviewee's family.  Just because you smiled at someone.

    We have a choice to make our own perceptions, so make positive ones.

  3. Socrates had the answer:

    "Know thyself," he insisted that "the unexamined life is not worth living."

    It is from knowing yourself with brutal honesty, that you change perception.

  4. Really great question.  Perception with our five senses is all we practice, however, we need to think outside the box.  Have you seen this great video about perceiving reality?

  5. People will not change all at once and most won't change the way you want them too. My answer is change the way you percieve the world and look at from many points instead of just one.

  6. growth/maturity

    and you accomplish this by experience and living

  7. The physical universe is broken up into pieces. But all life is One. We will play with this world, learning to love all life,  until we know it is One

  8. I guess one way would be to get a mental disorder with delusions and hallucinations as the symptoms.

  9. "We" can't change anything. Perspective is all individual. You can learn from someone else and agree with them, but your take on the world is essentially up to you.

  10. Let the world perceive you.

  11. Perceptions change continually and by slight degrees.

    Everything you learn changes your perception, and every experience you have changes your perception.

    The flip side is true as well. Your perceptions change what you learn, and change how you experience things.

    The dominant factor is your perception, and you can actively change it  through awareness, observation, and breaking routines.

  12. your talking about a paradigm shift.

  13. It depends on what perception is...

    If perception is what we CHOOSE to see, then yes, it can be altered.

    If perception is what we know is true, then it cannot be changed.

    Or if perception is a twisted idea, then yes, it can be changed.

    Good question dude! XD difficult!

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