
The world is becoming a boring place. Do you agree?

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The world is becoming a boring place. Do you agree?




  1. ...disagree... has a lot to offer, CHANGE your attitude...

    ...good luck...

  2. The world is not out there, it's in you.

  3. No.  It is something new happening every single day.  Unless you are

    a boring person,  then yes it will seem like it is boring.  Other than

    that,  it is an amazing planet we live on.

  4. not really, world is bored without kuan yew's dog to play with. i am enjoy playing dogs from india. wondering who will be next? haha

  5. no, i am a ninja. how can i feel bored? my life is full of different adventures.

    u wanna get high?

  6. i totally disagree with u nothing is wrong or boring in this world something is wrong in u, change urself & see the beauty of nature & u will like the world & will enjoy ur life

  7. Man has finally, after 150,000 years, learned to master most of what he has always wished to be master of--and NOW you find the world boring?

  8. Well, No i really don't when your board that means you should go out and do something you should go out side and have fun with your friends hopefully that helps you  

  9. I beg to disagree my friend. The world we live in has so many beautiful things to wonder about; Just be fruitful on yourself. Believe in yourself for the secret of success depends on you. Do not allow your negative thoughts explore you. Be positive! the positive energies are just awaiting to be revealed.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  10. Negative. The world is more exciting every day. The transformative processes that began in the industrial revolution and accelerated after WWII, are taking us into a future of amazing possibility.  

  11. I hardly ever get bored. Theres always work to do, kids to take care of, music to listen to, movies to watch, computers to play on, ext....Most of my problem isn't not having anything to do, but how I am going to do all the things I want to do.I love entertainment and there is so much of it at the tips of my fingers but unfortently it seems like my days off are to short and before I know it I'm doing things that I don't want to do, but have to.I don't think the world is boring I just think the world is busy and moving at a pace I can hardly keep up with any more.  

  12. The world could never become boring.  There are too many things to see and do, to many things to learn .  When you can answer all the questions about the earth then and only then can you feel like it is boring.  How many species of fish are there in the ocean? how many shades of green is there on a tree? How many crawley things are on the forest floor?  And so on and so on.  The world is not boring, it's just full of boring people.  

  13. Yes, I definitely agree.

  14. Yep, why else would i be on this site?

  15. no. i will tell you one quote to explain my view-

    learn from yesterday



                   - albert einstein

    so enjoy every moment you have

  16. its been for a while.. there is no pop to it anymore...

    the 80s were a blast....the 90s were alot of, everything is just so stagnant..the world has shifted my friend..

    everyone is out for themselves..

  17. no for there are so many wonderful things in this world.. look around and discover it yourself..

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