
The world is coming to an end??

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Today it really hit me. I invited probably ten of my friends to come to the beach with me. From where I live it's only about 30 miles/minutes to Daytona Beach, but from them it's about 45+. We had been talking about it forever, but it didn't happen. Why? Because no one can afford gas anymore.

This is really making me sick. My dad decided to have a cook out today, and they all adore me so I made the phone calls. Out of his 43937432947 sports addicted friends, 4 of them came, the other's ALL said the same thing that my friends did. This can't just be a coinsidence, there's just no way.

What are we supposed to do with ourselves? Stay home and rot away? What is the government going to do about this?




  1. The Government is going to do very little, because gas is not a commodity that will ever seriously come down in price, because of the peak oil phenomenon. Check this site out:

    Sorry to say, but whether your friends can drive over soon is going to be the least of your worries. Other things will take priority!

  2. Don't get disheartened hon, being young you think that it is the end, but it is only inflation! look back to forty years ago when fuel was only a few cents a gallon, wages was only $60 a week! But you will find that fuel is in reality cheaper than it was forty's years ago! because as prices rise then so does our salary's. You price a T.V. today (Remember they are coloured now) and you will find that they were dearer then than they are now! Have a great day!

  3. I agree! I am on a very fixed income. So now I can't really go any wear anymore. I missed out on a lot of fun this weekend. Because I have no money to get there. It's defiantly a depression.

  4. It definitely goes to show how much we rely on cars. Growing up, and being a very out-of-the-box person (I won a few art contests in elementary school), it was ingrained in my head that we would be replacing cars with something completely different, maybe even before I would hit my adult years. Well, that didn't happen, and I never really had any interest in automobiles until recently.

    Gas here is still cheaper than other nations. Gas in Hong Kong was like $5.00 years and years ago, and probably way higher now, yet there are more Mercedes in that country than anywhere (ratio).

    I thought you were going to mention the temperature or something. Here in Washington, last week, we had snow flurries! This is April!

    The world is certainly coming to an end.

    Look at the real estate market, Wall Street, and the elections. People are going to elect a president based on his race, even if he doesn't know how to run a country! Yes, the world is coming to an end.

    A few will survive, though. A few will survive.

    Anyway, gas is still affordable, but I've known people who are sticklers about it, even when it was below $2.00!

    I would say the biggest issue for humanity is race and religion. If we don't cope with this issue many families will be terrorized, and we will see a worldwide rise of communism. We definitely don't want that. We don't want the Russians and Chinese running the world, but I see that everytime a smart, democratic government goes up, they stupidly shoot themselves in the foot by allowing anybody and everybody into the country, even if they aren't like-thinking. Why would anyone with half a brain do that? Now, the U.S. is collapsing. It took us about a hundred years, but now we are collapsing.

    [You know, as far as automobiles and gas go, it's not the end of the world. Petroleum runs just about every industrial object on the planet, but it doesn't have to run our transportation. We need to protest against petroleum giants like Chevron and Halliburton who monopolize our lives by buying out technology and innovation. What happens is when a scientist designs a mode of transportation independant of gas/fuel, he is either shot from behind and thrown into a river or bought-out buy an oil giant, and told to take the design for his invention, crumple it up, and swallow it (or throw it in the fireplace). No, four wheels is not the only way we can travel. We should've thought of something else a long time ago, and probably did, but it was "dealt with" by oil giants.]

  5. Wait... let me get this straight... you're afraid "the world is coming to an end" because gas is kinda expensive so people can't drives 45 miles to the beach or attend cook outs as often as they like???

    And this doesn't seem the least bit trivial to you?

    There are many things wrong with the world... expensive gas (note: our gas is still cheaper than Europe's... their gas has been about the price ours is now for years and years now... it was about $4-$5 a gallon 10 years ago there) and lack of time on the beach aren't really big concerns, tbh.

    If you choose to stay home, then spend time with your friends, family, pets, etc...  If you choose to go somewhere, then just don't waste money on other things.  There's enough to worry about without declaring trivial little things signs of the end.

  6. We are witnessing the beginning the end of Modern Civilization as we know it.

    find out more for yourself


  7. Yes, but it may not happen in our lifetime. This is part of the beginning.  We are just going through some financial crunches.  It has happened before; we've always survived.  Gas and food are very expensive, and salaries are not keeping up with the increase in gas and food.  People are losing homes and jobs.  But don't be frightened,  Have faith that the LORD will protect his people.  Or whatever you believe in have faith.  Maybe a change in government will make a difference, I doubt it; the problem is worldwide.  We just need alternative fuel; or everyone should start riding a bike to school and work.

  8. The world isn't coming to an end. The government isn't going to stop us from being lazy or busy with other things. Why don't your friends just carpool anyway? Saves money, gas, and less pollution.

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