
The world is going to end tomorrow! What are you having for dinner tonight? What music are you listening to?

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Who are you spending time with? What TV or movie are you watching? Are you making peace with someone?




  1. the world will not end 2morrow its going to end in December 21, 2012

  2. The world is going to end TOMORROW?, well thank goodness I read this TODAY!!!

    This is what I would do in no particular order:

    I would run around my neighborhood naked and singing (more like yelling actually) R.E.M's "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)".

    I would go to the fanciest stores and restaurants until I exceed the limit of all my credit cards without any worry.

    I would go to Las Vegas to get married with my girlfriend dressed like Gene Simmons (both of us...).

    And finally, I would do all sorts of illegal things (not to the extreme maybe, like killing, but still...), I would go and rob a liquor store, get high and stuff like that (and I won't mention what I would do with my then wife).


    Now seriously

    If the world ended tomorrow (and this strictly speaking in a physical form and not metaphysical) and I was aware of it.

    What am I having fo dinner?, most likely the same that I would have if the world was not going to end, which is whatever my mom makes for dinner, unless I did not like what my mom did for dinner so I would take the whole family out...

    What music am I listening to?, it might be just me but I would either listen Amon Amarth, or depending on the mood, I might listen some Aerosmith songs (probably "I don't want to miss a thing" would be the last one that I would like to hear while I hold my girlfriend).

    Who am I spending time with?, with my family; that is my mom, my sister and my girlfriend, and most likely my sister would also like to have her dog and my girlfriend would like to be with her family, so it would probably a big reunion.

    What TV or movie would I be watching?, I don't think that I would spend my last day watching TV or movies, although we would all be watching the news at some point I guess...

    Am I making peace with someone?, well, I would have to make some calls and say some last (literally) good byes, and there might be 1 or 2 persons I would need to make peace with but I don't know how to contact, so most likely I would just try to spend the last moments just remembering our good moments with my family, making up theories on why is the world ending and all sort of stories.

    And on the personal side, I would probably regret on so many bad things that we have done to this world, and even more on all the good things that we will not be able to do.

    And just the last thought, I know that we all try to think and imagine what our last moments will be, either when we die and the world ceases to be or in this case, when the end comes for all of us, but most likely, none of us would really know how to react if the moment comes.

  3. The world will not end in 2012 or tommorow...No one knows; Only God knows.

  4. If the world were to end tomorrow, I'd still go on with life as if nothing bad is around the corner.  I would continue on with my plans, regardless.  There would be no "goodbye" or "I'm sorry" phone calls - we would all be in the same boat, so I wouldn't be leaving anyone behind.

    My dinner will still be leftover meatloaf (YUM).  At the moment, I'm listening to "The Last Five Years" soundtrack.  I will spend tonight at home with my family, channel surfing or doing some other mindless, relaxing activity.  At some point tonight, I will say my prayers and go to bed.

    If I'm still alive in the morning, I will send a quick "Thank you" to God for letting me live another day.  Life is a cr@p shoot, so I try to be grateful for my time on this earth.

  5. I would probably have a really big meal! Moose burgers, home made mac & cheese, bacon, as much as i could eat. I would listen to all my favorite music like the Beatles, and Billy Joel.

    I would be spending time with my family and closest friends. And i would be admitting my love for one of my best friends.

    Maybe watching some of my all time favorite movies like Citizen Kane.

  6. I am having devil dogs. Listening to Sinatra's "and now the end is near..."  I wish to be only with my master.  I will be watching "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"  I will make peace with the neighbor's cat who I have chased day in and day out for a decade now.

  7. I'm quite sure that death is just change. Change from one life to another. So I think that if I die tomorrow, I will simply be beginning another life tomorrow. From this belief of mine I honestly wouldn't be fearful of dieing tomorrow. But I would be a bit disapointed that my greatest asperations for this life won't be able to be fullfilled, such as my dream of being a great artist. If I for whatever reason came to believe that my life was going to end tomorrow, I would live my day today as any other day...I would try to live life as best as I can! I would try to hold onto what I love, try to capture what I love but don't yet have, try to rid of what I hate, and try to avoid what I hate but haven't ran into yet. But I would spend much of my time creating a letter for my loved ones, explaining to them that my death is not the end of me. I would explain to them that they would see me again. For everything recurs in infinite time. Even our lives. Every experience is lived again and again infinitum. I would hope that that idea would give them hope that they will see me again. I would try to finish some of my philosophical ideas that I've been working on, so that something valuable can be past on from my life. I would also spend time with the people I care about most, and I would say my farewells to them. Not as people parting forever, but only for a finite period of time. I would honestly be a bit excited about the whole prospect of actually experiencing death. Because alot of my thinking has dealt with what actually is going to happen when I die.

  8. Well if the world was going to end tomorrow, I guess in this diasporic world, we would all be so busy contacting family to say goodbye, that the lines would all be jammed. And no-one would be listening to music or thinking about a quiet dinner.

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