
The worst bball game ever was..............?

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The worst bball game ever was..............?




  1. the game between miami and the clippers last season, all of their remotely exciting players were injured so it was the most boring game ever, i live in the la area so i watched like 5 minutes of the game and turned it off, i was actually really bored of an nba basketball game

  2. All the NBA finals games in 2003 and 2007 and game 6 of last year's finals.

  3. kings lakers 2002 game 6, never forget that. worst f*****g game i've ever seen. even if i was good enough to play in the nba, which was my dream since i was 7 years old, i probebly wouldnt want to after that came out, wouldnt want that sh*t to happen to my team. wouldnt want to play in a league that does that sh*t.

    also in 1950, before they had the shotclock.

    minniapolis lakers-fort wayne pistons

    a lot of stalling, final score was 19-18

  4. so many of the sonics game last year.

  5. i donno but the worst skills challenge performance was dwyane wade's lool soo funny!!!

  6. Any Wizards vs LeBron game...ima wizards fan.HE KILLS us everytime by HIMSELF!

  7. the lakers vs the kings really bad refs

  8. Any game the Pistons win!

  9. My little sisters 2nd grade rec game.  The score was 2-0 at the end.

  10. Western Conference Finals 1994 Game 6 Houston vs Phoenix

    Mario Elie hits a luck A$$ 3 in the corner and sent Sir Charles  and the Suns home.

  11. Any lakers,kings,warriors,clippers game.  

  12. i didn't see it but...

    Fort Wayne (now Detroit) Pistons vs Minneapolis (now LA).

    the score was 19-18, Fort Wayne

    thats the game that started the shot clock

  13. for me...lakers vs kings 2002..

  14. 1972 Olympic final. USA was cheated of a gold. Google it

  15. all games the Mavs lose.

  16. Game 1, 2008 Western Conference Opening Round (Suns vs. Spurs).

    That's the one that the Spurs took the game to overtime on a three by Tim Duncan.

    No one should ever have to watch their team lose on a three by Tim Duncan.  Especially since he traveled on that shot.  I hope you never have to feel my pain.

  17. All da celdick games

  18. Any Miami game last season.

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