
The worst drivers, drive which type of car?

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They speed, no signal when changing lanes, etc. I live in New York and we have some pretty inconsiderate people. I have just noticed a similarity in in the types of cars these a*ssholes drive.




  1. New Yorkers.

    Many drive as if there are no traffic regulations. Using the anonymity of the road to forget about common courtesy, basically risking my safety for their convenience. Speeding without using turn signals to change lanes, make turns or other changes in direction. Yielding seems to be another issue. Cutting across three lanes of traffic to get into a spot that gains about three car lengths. Staying in the passing lane right up until the exit ramp and deciding to cut across three lanes of traffic to make the exit. Using the passing lane to cruise, slowing down faster traffic. Creeping into intersections while waiting on red lights. Using "turn only" lanes to make a passing maneuver, and for that matter, using their right of way during a green light to get into the intersection to wait out the red light. Having the idea that trucks have enough stopping ability and thinking that they will slow down for a vehicle with the agility and power to make a passing move when the traffic pattern permits.  Cell phones.

    Most of these offenders are driving some sort of luxury coupe, sedan or SUV / Crossover vehicle of German origin. If you are going to spend 60,000 dollars on a car, it should be comfortable enough to caress your pansy **** in heavy traffic. Deal with it like us common folk do.  You are not as important as that car makes you think you are.

  2. my guess is SUVs

  3. Luxury cars, like Mercedes, BMW, Lexus. Apparently as expensive as that car was, turn signals were not a feature. I live in Orange County, Ca, and every other car on the road is one of the above mentioned. And most of them are idiots.

  4. Big vehicles because they think everyone should get out of their way. Especially the Dodge Ram Trucks that have a grille that looks like a semi truck grille. These idiots (not all of them) but a good number of them like to tailgate. I just go even slower when that happens.

  5. From my experience I would have to say Dodge Ram trucks, full size Ford trucks, full size Chevy trucks and Ford Explorers. I'm not saying that they are all bad drivers but where I live it seems to be a large number of them. It seems like anytime I take off at a traffic light I look in my mirror and they are still right on my bumper. The first chance they get they come around me like satan is after them. They change lanes without using a signal and drive at least 15 miles over the posted speed limit.

  6. The worst drivers are pennsylvanians, especially those driving Jeeps.

  7. doesn't matter what type, "cagers" are quite often inconsiderate...luckily they are usually much slower than me, and i just have to keep watching ahead...

  8. around where i live at the worst drivers drive larger vehicles usually beat up ones,but larger like big suv,s and older cars,and they will get right on your bumper around where in at without even thinking about it,and there not always a ford or a chevy they drive what ever they choose around here,the most you see are larger cars doing this,and i have been to new york so i know exactly what your talking about,good luck.

  9. my husband would tell you w/o delay " silver buicks". i think he believes they are taking over the world or something.

  10. fords

  11. I would say people who drive volkswagon jetta or golf.  They seem to drive like Jerks.

  12. subaru and toyota.

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