
The worst first name?

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whats the worst girl & boy name you have ever seen? it could be someone you know, or a name you've seen on yahoo answers or whatever

mine are someone wanted to name their girl Pencil and someone asked if it was okay to name their son T-Bone. they were both on yahoo answers

bored and just wonderingg.




  1. Taula does the Hula

    Santa Clause

    1063 (i think)

    Glad I didn't/won't give my kids any weird names like those.

  2. worst guy name:  Loser (Loser Lane, true story)

    seconded by "anything with "-quan"  beginning of the name, end doesn't matter.  Harry, Gaylord, Eugene

    worst girl names: eunice, unique, kwanzika, roberta, maverick, coral (which you work in the library, you see a LOT of names)

  3. Apple.


  4. Girl....Ronda...yuck

    Boy..Thor... ick

  5. Actually the worst name I ever heard was a girl I ran into at the mall, cutest little boy and I asked his name.....his name was Treeth Jayden.  My jaw dropped.  What a horribly ugly stupid name.  I would hate to tell people that's what my name was.  I asked her why she choose Treeth and her answer was 'cause its cool'  yea its cool, in your demented head.  

  6. I HATE Nevaeh. I think its stupid.

    I heard Matthew McConaughey's brother Rooster (already a stupid name) named his son Miller Lyte

    I heard of a man named Terry Berger (teri burger)

    I know a girl name T'elsi. Pronounced TLC

  7. My grandma on my dad's side was named Hildur.  I think that's an awful name!

  8. Ignacious




  9. Shithead (pronounced shih-teed)

    Orangejello & Lemonjello (twins)


  10. I don't like the name Heaven. It just seems very cliche.  

  11. I am 31 weeks pregnant and the father wanted to name her Bronagh and I thought that name was the ugliest name I have ever heard. He also wanted to name her Athena I just really didn't like this one.

    31 weeks pregnant with Delia May(Due October 1,2008)

  12. Gillis & Candy....  

  13. I will mention some of the more common names that I DO NOT like!

    Liam- I don't understand it! I don't even know how to pronounce it!

    Aiden- its just too overly used, and I don't like it!

    and using boys names for girls--

    like Ryan, Jordan....etc

    And- yeah, I HATE the name Nevaeh! I mean, really?! Heaven backwards?? What does that make the kid? h**l?? Because she is the opposite of heaven!  

  14. Girl: Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii

    Boy: Pilot Inspektor  

  15. lol i was looking at some of the celebs name their stars and some1 (i forgot who) named named their kids Moxie CrimeFighter and Pilot Inspecktor...hahahaha poor poor kids.

  16. i know someone who works at the government of canada and she works on processing birth cirtificates the worst one i heard waas.

    last name p***e (french)

    first name Curley

    Middle name Brown

    Name: Curley Brown p***e

    This is real and sorry if i offended anyone

  17. Lmao! My friend wanted to call her baby brollyanna or rowina. I mean come on..  they both sound like tramps names or something. Ones i've heard on here are terrible! Like someone put a list down of names and they had everlasting and moonbeam down as names, I was like :| its like those horrible tacky names like Destiny-Rae, Desiree and Kitty etc that sound like the names of strippers or trailer trash. Urgh people are so stupid I mean theres nothing wrong with individuality but c'mon be sensible.

  18. NEVAEH

  19. Princess for a girl

    Condom for a

    I like the name Hannible


  20. Oranjello, Lemonjello, Eunice, Gertrude

  21. Moon- Unit, Dweezle.

  22. Girl-  Bertha,Irma,Agetha,Prudence. yeaa wierdd lol

    Boy- Kid,Stridder,Cosmo,Case.

    lol yeaa parent Aree wierdd with names lol

  23. Tula does the Hula from Hawaii,

    Number 16 bus stop,


    Real names. People actually called there kids that!

  24. georg

    pronounced g*y-org

    and Peyton ... it sounds..WiErD
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