
The wrong crowd? Or s****. aristocratic group?

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I recently attended a semi-formal party through a friend. It was some college party, not your typical soiree, or atleast not what Im used to. These students came from the local private college, so consider them the elite of our city. I took a friend of mine too, just to have someone I know there. After awhile socializing and the usual, I walked outside the balcony area for a fresh breathe of air with my friend. After talking for awhile a young female student walk, and sits on the ledge with her head bowed down, obviously something had upset her, because she was crying, and she didnt move at all. Thinking that someone who knew her might help her I just sat down and talked with my friend, but everyone seemed to just mind there own business and walked passed her. Feeling a bit of pressure from the group, I didnt go up to console her. Is this how the elite act? When one of there chums are down, they ignore them?




  1. OK. That is not snobbery, You should have asked her if there was anything you could do for her,"get you some water or punch" woman appreciate gallant men.

  2. No, not at all; you have no way of knowing what transpired to cause this woman's sorrow and perhaps her group  knows her well enough to respect her are allowing yourself to be intimidated by a perception; not all private college students are elite in any sense of the term, and anyone can acquire knowledge but very few acquire intelligence. There is a difference.

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