
The year 1965?

by Guest55902  |  earlier

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can someone please give me info on the years 1964-1965.please i really need it and this computor is not helping please please please HELP ME!!!!!




  1. Geez, it depends what you really want to know.1964 was definately the start of the British Invasion starting with the Beatles. Since Johnson become president after Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, we were really getting into the Viet Nam War.  Malcolm X was murdered on Feb. 21, 1965. Civil Rights marchers started around March of '65. Motown became very popular but I think the most outstanding were the Viet Nam War and Civil Rights. I have a book right here all about the 60's.

  2. That was the year I hitch-hiked through France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium. Spent two months travelling around those countries and had A GREAT TIME.

    Well, that was the highlight for me in 1965, so nothing else mattered to me at that time.

  3. check out the link

  4. Get you an Almanac or something.   I know there was a lot of Civil Rights things going on.  there was also a little thing called Viet Nam going down.  There were a lot of riots (anti war and race riots)  Probably some assassinations .  Look it up........Other than that, not much........
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