
The young aussie road toal?

by Guest62744  |  earlier

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i for one think its fantastic that so many young aussie are killing themselfs in motor accidents.

it all comes down to high performance cars and low performance drivers(with no ****** brains in the first place)

why isnt the aussie gov actually doing something about this

and i really dont believe that better education is the answer because when i first got my licence the test was a joke yet ive never been in an accident???? strange

could it be that when i was young the best kind of car you could hope for was a big old hq holden not a 200+ horsepower vt commidore

so my question is are you going to teach your child not to hop in cars with pinheads or overestimate there own driving skills

to the lager degree keeping yourself alive on the road comes down to common sence (and its not being taught in school or by parents) teach your kids some ****** common sence for god sake




  1. Often, parents are unaware of the risks their kids face when driving, and the limits of driver education. Research says driver ed doesn't reduce crash rates; it must be boosted with many hours of practice over a long period of time and more parent intervention is needed.

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