
Theater / musicals / plays!?

by  |  earlier

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hi there, i am really really interested in acting and would like to know how i find any plays or musicals going on in my area are there any sites i can go on?

(alnwick could go further)

thank you! xxxx




  1. Do you mean to watch? Or to be in? If its just to watch, find the websites of theaters near you. Or if you want to see a specific musical, you can go to that website.

  2. have a look for your local amateur dramatics group, go on for threatre groups or in your local paper or the town council may be able to tell you

  3. lists the auditions in your area.  Also your nearest big city newspaper should carry the info.

  4. I would also suggest local searches, very often doing some research in a season, prior to the next one.

      Certainly, not knowing your age, what you select should be age appropriate, even gender appropriate, and research in advance might allow that you are alerted that auditions are closed, try again next time, without going through any major effort, only to be disappointed.

       IF by chance you are young, perhaps even a minor, SUMMER productions in most genres are geared toward, and appropriate for youth.

       I'm going to assume that "ALNWICK" might not be located in the USA, hence we can't know what genres and venues ARE local to you, or a reasonable commute. Obviously you have access to the WWW, and by using keywords, even in a general browser search, you should learn what venues are local.

    Just my 2 "scents"

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