
Theists & Atheists................?

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What are the important issues to you in the upcoming election. Let me know who you are voting for, what are your issues, and what religion (or lack of religion) are you a part of? I ask this in R&S because of a recent question where it seems that the only issue that worries catholics is abortion, I would like to know if thats true...




  1. Article VI, United States Constitution:

    "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

  2. World hunger, yo.

  3. Which election?  There are several countries getting geared up for elections.

    What does Politics have to do with religion?

  4. Getting out of Iraq

    Balancing the budget

    Repairing our international relationships.

    The economy


    Alternative energy

    Wiccan for Obama

  5. They're all Christians, so whoever gets into the White House will start a war one way or another.

  6. Mccain.



  7. Economy, War, Defense, Support for our Soldiers, healing the rift Bush has left, etc.

    Abortions a topic both sides simply use to gain voters, neither side plans to actually do anything about it.

  8. Atheist for Obama, not without reservation, but that's par for the course.

    Getting the executive branch back within the bounds it's supposed to operate within. The last two yahoos in chief have goatseeman'd their offices to an unacceptable degree.

    Trimming the ministry of pointless hysteria mongering out of existence (scrapping the dept of homeland security) replacing it with regional liaison officers who make sure the various intelligence agencies aren't hoarding potentially dangerous information out of proprietary impulses.

    Making sure the heads of government agencies are actually qualified for their positions. A formal set of requirements for appointed offices with an eye to ending political cronyism.

    Implementing fair trade laws demanding that the nations we trade with implement progressive labor laws. Partly to prevent the total collapse of american industry, partly to prevent an asian, pacific, and latin american redux of the political instability that ravaged the industrialized nations in the late 19th and early 20th century.

    The rebirth of the congressional board of science advisers. (I can't find or recall the original name) To clean up wasteful and unrealistic govt spending like the infamous DOD teleportation study.

    I'd like to see some kind minimum funding mandate with stop gap spending measures to improve under-performing public schools. We're wasting a lot of potential because of the ongoing atrophy of public education.

    Getting control of education content out of the hands of loopy local school boards. It's becoming obvious that failure to keep politics out of the humanities will negatively impact the competitiveness of the american workforce. The goal of public schooling should be to prepare people for secondary education. Letting local ideologues dictate the content will force a lot of people over the edge by having to pay for remedial courses just so someone could impress the local zealots. Some kind of collegiate council should set content standards and goals.

    Energy policy that keeps us from trying to dig up every flammable carbon compound on earth trying to sustain an unsustainable lifestyle.

    Making all govt spending with the exception of military and intelligence a matter of readily accessible public record.

    Implementing an immigration policy that isn't addled by exploitative business interests and naked xenophobia. Adequately funding the INS.

    If I thought about it some more I could probably think of some more stuff, but I'm tired of typing. :(

    With this much that needs doing at least something might get done, even if only by accident.


  9. -Iraq.  Costing us billions of dollars and doesn't increase our foreign policy credentials, create allies, or fight those who attacked us.

    -providing for my fellow Americans with healthcare for those who can't afford it.

    -Investment in alternative energy (get the money from the current Iraq spending)

  10. Many christians fester over the abortion issue.  Which is a waste of energy.  It would require the supreme court to overturn another supreme court - which could happen, but it's not likely.  Also, abortion was happening for decades before it was legalized.  So regardless of whether or not I support it, I'd rather our scared pregnant kids go to a licensed doctor than some quack in a basement with a rusty knife.

    The topics that I find the most important are:  the economy and the war.  The rest doesn't really matter.  I have opinion on lots of things, but in reality a presidents single term in office is pretty limited.  People like to blame him/her for everything, but it's just a person with limited power (hence all the checks and balances).  And many things will work themselves out on their own - such as same s*x marriages (only a matter of time) and the environment (as technology makes it easier and cheaper, society will follow).  Things that can be effected most immediately are national security and the economy.  As I like to say, I'll support who ever will protect my a@@ and my assets.  

  11. The one, major, overriding issue to me is always church/state separation. This is manifested in topics like abortion, stem cell research, g*y rights, school prayer, government-funded "faith-based initiatives", and other such subjects where religion attempts to enforce its doctrines via legislation.

    I won't vote for any candidate who favors denying anyone's rights "on moral grounds" or favors any government action that endorses religion. That being the case, I've never voted for a Republican.

  12. Ending the war in Iraq.

    Not getting ourselves involved in another imperialistic war.

    Getting the economy back on track.

    Figuring out how to regulate the ******* mortgage business.

    Getting a national health plan.

    A DECENT ENERGY POLICY!  That's heavy on renewables.

    (That's just off the top of my head.)

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