
Theists: explain dinosaurs?

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Dont make it too long

dont get angry




  1. Hello,

    Okay, I will explain them. They are really big, with big teeth (okay that was a joke).

    No, I believe they probably existed around the same time as humans, as many creationists think. This is because of a few passages in the Bible (book of Job), where a large creature is being described that fits almost exactly with a dinosaur and no other creature.

    They were probably wiped out after the flood, or possibly before the flood of general extinction.

    My belief is also based on the human tracks found along dinosaur tracks, many ancient civilization drawings including dinosaur looking creatures (like stegosaurus, etc.) and more.

    Of course, that is just a belief, I don't know about dinosaurs since I wasn't there. But look at all the other "dinosaur-like" creatures we even have today (alligator, rhino, etc.). These all look like a dinosaur, and have many of the same characteristics.

    Just my 2 cents--Have a great day!

  2. Exodus 20:11 states that God created ALL things in Heaven and earth in six days...which would obviously include dinosaurs....some of which are mentioned in the Bible such as behemoth, leviathan, dragons, tanniyn, flying serpents, etc..There are also many cultures which have stories of dragons which seem to fit the description of some dinosaurs....Alexander the Great and Pliny wrote of them fighting elephants in India, Marco Polo wrote of them in China....the word "dinosaur" was not invented until the late 1800's...."dragons" are what people use to call some of them. The Bible simply does not list every animal which God created in the beginning. The idea or theory that dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years ago and many died out 60-70 million years ago is a supposition based on flawed dating methods and does not fit the evidence...there are many thousands of evidences from around the world such as cave paintings, drawings, temple carvings, fabrics and artifacts which show man and dinosaurs co-existed until fairly recent times. Some T-Rex bones have been found recently with red blood cells and soft tissue still intact...indicating it was not buried and partially fossilized 70 million years ago but probably a more recent burial. Fossilization does not require millions of years to occur...some artifacts have been found such as boots and hats among others that have been mineralized.

  3. You are obviously ignorant to the fact that not all theists believe the goathearder's book of fairytales.

  4. Really big animals.  Taste like chicken.

    You're a bit off on your assertions. Genesis says God created animals before man.

    The Bible never states an age of the world.  Theists calculate it's approximately 6,000 years old based on the genealogies.

    Nathan, Paul, you give intelligent Christians a bad name.  Please just stick to prayers.  Your explanations are embarassing.  Don't try to pontificate on subjects which you obviously know nothing about.

  5. WTF!?!?

    Dinosaurs were created before man.

  6. Okay.. there were dinosaurs and they were really cool and big and died out 65 million years ago.

    Bible aint' a science book.

  7. First of all, did you know that reptiles never stop growing? It's just a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life. They never stop until the day they die. Did you know that? Most people don't.Reptiles never stop growing.

    Now, back in the days of Adam and Eve up until the days of Noah, if you look at the geneologies you'll find that just about everyone lived about 900 years or more.Instead of dying at 80 or 90 like we do today, back then they died at 800 or 900. They lived about 10 times longer back then.

    Now think about it. If people lived 10 times longer back then, well it wouldn't just be people would it? More than likely it would be plants, animals, the whole ecosystem. If people lived 10 times longer, so would lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer, and reptiles never stop growing, then if they lived 10 times longer, then they would grow 10 times bigger.

    So instead of having a 3 foot long iguana like we have today, back then you'd have a...

    30 foot long iguana!

    One of the first dinosaurs ever found was called the iguanadon because of it's resemblance to the iguana. The man who found it said that it's skeleton looked just like the skeleton of the iguana except it was alot bigger. So he called it Iguanadon. Well, guess how big it was?

    30 feet! Iguanadon dinosaurs range anywhere from 27 to 30 to 33 feet on average.

    You see, according to the bible, reptiles and lizards would've gotten really really big back in the days of Noah

    Secondly, Creation Scientists suspect that dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago.This would mean that dinosaurs went extinct sometime within the history and memory of mankind. Evolutionists claim extinction was complete some 60 or 70 million years ago, based upon radiometric dating methods. However, Creation Scientists have found these dating methods to be very questionable and innacurate. For instance, new rock in the form of hardened lava flows produced estimated ages as great as 3 billion to 10.5 billion years, when they were actually less than 200 years old. Does that sound like an accurate age estimate to you? According to Science Magazine in 1984, shells from living snails were carbondated as being 27,000 years old. Does that sound like an accurate dating method to you?

    Thirdly, fossilization is a very rare and unusual occurance, not an every day event. Fossilization is not a slow gradual process that takes place over millions of years. According to the best available evidence, plants and animals cannot become fossils unless they are buried relatively quickly and deeply in the appropriate materials. Creation Scientists have found that the conditions that would be most ideal for the kind of massive fossil formations found in the sediments would be a violent, global flood catastrophe. Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment.

    Well, guess what? The bible talks about a flood like that. And it just so happens that that flood occurred in the days when reptiles and lizards would have gotten really big.

    So you see, when it comes to the fact that we are digging up gigantic reptiles and lizards up out of the ground, most of which are completely fossilized, does this somehow contradict the bible?

    Well, According to the bible it makes perfect sense!

    Dinosaur bones don't contradict the bible. They fit in just perfectly. The things that contradict the bible are the inaccurate "dating" methods. Well, if the Bible is truly accurate, then it SHOULD contradict our innacurate dating methods now shouldn't it?

  8. <---no angry.

    They lived millions of years ago.

    They became extinct millions of years ago.

    P.S. Bible actually says first living things were plants, then animals, then man and it certainly does not give an age for the earth.

  9. Me:  Lutheran Christian.

    Dinosaurs evolved from large lizards, which in turn evolved from small lizards, which in turn evolved from fish (or aquatic creatures) which could live in both land and water.  Dinosaurs lived for about 200 million years (or so) until they were killed off in a planetary calamity (probably a large meteor striking just off the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico).  In the resulting "nuclear winter" following the meteor strike, most of life (including the dinosaurs) was killed off, and evolution began again.

    Evolution is a perfectly logical and reasonable way for God to accomplish the purpose of creation (and in the case of after the planetary calamty, re-creation).  

    I'm a theist, and I just don't see why there has to be a conflict between good science and good theology.  

  10. Dinosaurs fosils can be classified in two groups: real and hoax.

    1. All hoax dinosaurs were made by men who wanted fame but did not found a real dinosaur fosil to obtain it.

    2. All real dinosaurs fosils are the remains of real animals (reptiles, mammals, fish, birds, etc.) created by God, the Creator of all the universe and of all forms of life in it, at any period of time.

    A bit more than 60 words, short enough?


    Answer for additional information:

    20,000 years?   Not all christians agree that the Earth was created just 6,000 or 20,000 years ago. I do not think so (but still I do not think God used evolution as the method to provide the diverse forms of life we see today).

  11. dude you need to check your bible facts

    mark you are dead wrong

    if that was supposed to be some kind of mockery of evolution, good show

    if not, you have a lot to learn

    evolution does not, has not, and will never stop. thus never ''beginning again"

    dinos didn't evolve from lizards


    the light was the first creation in the bible and all the plants were the first living things

    the bible makes no mention as to the age of the earth

    im sorry i CANNOT let this exist on the internet...

    <First of all, did you know that reptiles never stop growing? It's just a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life. They never stop until the day they die. Did you know that? Most people don't.Reptiles never stop growing.

    Now, back in the days of Adam and Eve up until the days of Noah, if you look at the geneologies you'll find that just about everyone lived about 900 years or more.Instead of dying at 80 or 90 like we do today, back then they died at 800 or 900. They lived about 10 times longer back then.

    Now think about it. If people lived 10 times longer back then, well it wouldn't just be people would it? More than likely it would be plants, animals, the whole ecosystem. If people lived 10 times longer, so would lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer, and reptiles never stop growing, then if they lived 10 times longer, then they would grow 10 times bigger.>

    they stopped living like that because of the sin of man

    should reptiles have done the same then they would have had to have free will, and choice, and senttience and would be equals to man, which isn't accepted by any religious person and certainly not many proponents of evolution...

    <So instead of having a 3 foot long iguana like we have today, back then you'd have a...

    30 foot long iguana!>

    you leap of misunderstanding here is astounding

    <One of the first dinosaurs ever found was called the iguanadon because of it's resemblance to the iguana. The man who found it said that it's skeleton looked just like the skeleton of the iguana except it was alot bigger. So he called it Iguanadon.>

    do you speak latin?

    h**l do you speak english?

    iguana- taken of course from the iguana lizard

    don- meaing tooth

    iguana don was aptly named for it's similarity in tooth design and not it's skeletal similarirty

    have you ever even seen a picture of an iguanadon? they look NOTHING like iguanas

    <Well, guess how big it was?

    30 feet! Iguanadon dinosaurs range anywhere from 27 to 30 to 33 feet on average.>


    the average dino length was more like 10-15

    the over imaginative, under-educated types generally believe dinos were all massive animals

    many were smaller than modern cows

    <You see, according to the bible, reptiles and lizards would've gotten really really big back in the days of Noah>

    so it's even MORE unlikely they all fit on a tiny (relatively) boat

    <Secondly, Creation Scientists suspect that dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago.>

    creation "scientists"... not any other kind of scientist

    <This would mean that dinosaurs went extinct sometime within the history and memory of mankind. Evolutionists claim extinction was complete some 60 or 70 million years ago, based upon radiometric dating methods. However, Creation Scientists have found these dating methods to be very questionable and innacurate. For instance, new rock in the form of hardened lava flows produced estimated ages as great as 3 billion to 10.5 billion years, when they were actually less than 200 years old. Does that sound like an accurate age estimate to you? According to Science Magazine in 1984, shells from living snails were carbondated as being 27,000 years old. Does that sound like an accurate dating method to you?>

    again creation "scientists" find these faults, not any other sort of credable sources

    a living species of snail could easily have been living 27,000 years ago

    and the calcium and carbon in it's shell would have been as well

    look up the carbon cycle to see why you are an idiot

    also radiometric dating isn't applied to igneous rock for such reasons, anybody with some basis in science would know only sedimentary rocks can be accurately dated

    <Thirdly, fossilization is a very rare and unusual occurance, not an every day event. Fossilization is not a slow gradual process that takes place over millions of years.>

    this point has rather much nothing to do with any part of this or any paragraph, why ahve you written this unjustified claim?

    <According to the best available evidence, plants and animals cannot become fossils unless they are buried relatively quickly and deeply in the appropriate materials. Creation Scientists have found that the conditions that would be most ideal for the kind of massive fossil formations found in the sediments would be a violent, global flood catastrophe.>

    flood remains are a common find even for real scientists, what's your point? that creation 'scientists' actually are capable of agreeing with the mainstream?

    <Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment.>

    notice he didn't say 'all' or 'most' or 'alot' just that they are

    again common knowlege to anybody with any sort of background in this

    <Well, guess what? The bible talks about a flood like that.>

    as do countless other mythologies, as we all know, floods happen

    <And it just so happens that that flood occurred in the days when reptiles and lizards would> *supposedly* <have gotten really big.

    So you see, when it comes to the fact> i have yet to see one non-diluded one <that we are digging up gigantic reptiles and lizards> dinos aren't reptiles and certainly aren't lizards <up out of the ground, most of which are completely fossilized, does this somehow contradict the bible?> countless ways

    <Well, According to the bible it makes perfect sense!>

    no, it doesn't

    <Dinosaur bones don't contradict the bible. They fit in just perfectly. The things that contradict the bible are the inaccurate "dating" methods. Well, if the Bible is truly accurate, then it SHOULD contradict our innacurate dating methods now shouldn't it?> no it should show us that they are between 3-4 thousand years as you baselessly claim they are

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