
Then what do you think about the call of German and Austrian intellectuals to review the special relationship?

by Guest31877  |  earlier

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To Joseph, thank you for coming back to accuse me again! I am happy that I am not a german so that I will not live all my life under threats of people like you who rush to accuse them of being antisemetic or racist or having a hidden agenda or .. or .. what else you are going to accuse me with. Would you kindly save some of your effort to those acadimics who wrote the manifisto that you did not even care to comment on it rationally, or may be there are more profissional folks are preparing to take them to courts for their (crime) of thinking to mention jews and Israel in a context other than support and praise or appology and cry!!!!




  1. This is the first time I see this questions and I do not know what other people answered.

    I looked up both links and found two articles.

    I looked up the original manifest which is available at:

    It is written in German by 25 Professors from different Universities and Colleges and even for me (as a German) very difficult to understand. I have not found an english version but it may exist. The text is very long and very complex, it discusses many aspects.

    Both articles reduce this very complex text into 4 and 5 sentences.

    I have read the "manifesto" and both articles and I can assure you that the articles do not reflect the content of the "manifesto".

    Also the summary of yours above does not reflect the article.

    If you like I will try to translate the article into english and can send it to you and you can come to your own conclusions. Please let me know. (But it will take several days to do).

  2. I have answered your previous question and you said there you did not express any antisemitic or racist opinions. Well, I beg to differ. What bothers you is first of all the relationship between the Germans and the Jews.First of all neither the Germans nor the Austrians had anything to do with the establishment of the state of Israel. Second, the Germans paid restitution to those Jews who suffered from their prosecution, I do not remember the Palestinians suffered from the Germans, on the contrary they made a pact with Hitler. So I guess you try to raise a political issue in the Travel section with the hidden agenda of demeaning Israel and insinuating that the past should be forgotten. It will never happen.

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