
Theologians or scientists: Who has secrets of the universe, I ask?

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Theologians or scientists: Who has secrets of the universe, I ask?




  1. how do you know the "universe" exist and is not just a figment of your imagination so I say nether.

  2. By definition it is usually scientists who try to unlock secrets of the universe. Theologians take a completely different approach in defining what and how universe works. Not to mention there are many different approaches each scientist and theologians take to explain the workings of the universe.

    Universe on the other hand is infinite, so can infinity be contained? Then does the universe have any secrets and if it has secrets then how can WE find out? If we know then it's not a secret.

    I would say no one has the secrets of the universe, how ever we do have some understanding of how the universe operates. How much doe know, we still don't know.

    Take the approach between the two, usually within theology there is some concept of a higher being. . . . and some even take very strict interpertation ie Earth was created 6000 years ago.

    The model that scientists usually work within requires measurement or proof of proposed hypothesis. There is no such thing as it just happened nor is their any direct association between a higher being and the universe, rather science usually discredits any notion of a higher being. The creation of universe has complex set of processes that led to the universe to what we perceive it to be now.

    . . . . . and you you don't have to be a scientist or a theologian to unlock the secrets of the universe. The key requirement is curiosity!

    Science is mare curiosity, as it is our curiosity that compels us to seek answers.

  3. Philosophers

    The true philosopher is both a thelogian and a scientist.  Only when religion is approached scientifically will it become a true force for good in society.

    For those who are interested i am providing free online course on "the science of spirituality and religion" applying scientific method to these fields.

  4. Inquisitive one, you are.

    No one, me thinks. :)

  5. Everyday people hold the secrets of the universe in their minds. What tends to happen though is that through our life time, we are either convinced or being told that what we think isn't true, or we are told that it's taboo to think of such things and to stop...  Because of this, we don't get a chance to explore all the facets of the human train of thought.

  6. lucky you

    I doubt if the architect(s) of the universe has(have) yet figured  what the hack of secret is in his(their) plot

    I suspect he (they ...oh let me go!) is trying to make US find out a sense in this senseless story

    I can't but remind the words of Buddha

    "this is the best: that everything finish ! "

  7. That's a great question, and follows perfectly, because we're coming to a point where there findings intersect.  The oldest and best teachings in the world, that of the Rishis of India, seem very similar to the findings of Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, the greatest scientific minds of recent years.  

    I think we're going to discover scientific evidence for an invisible web that ties everything together... which is why once two atoms have been together, a change in one affects the other over thousands of miles.  Instantly.  Scientists call it "entanglement".  It's fascinating.  Also why things like prayer and intention and witchcraft and similar practices work... and how they work.  It's very similar to why someone would be very successful when they focus intently on an outcome, with great passion and excluding all else.  It's wonderful stuff!  I'm glad you're going to be a part of it.  

    So I would say both have secrets of the universe, but each needs to listen to the other, and probably most importantly to artists.  Good luck.  Enjoy.

  8. There are no secrets.  Each explains the universe in their own manner, and neither are mutually exclusive.  Both disciplines require each other in order to give flesh to their respective concepts.

  9. lol...scientists see the universe with tons of theories and they have yet to space out to investigate our universe except looting here and there on the orbit of our mothernature called earth. haha....

    theologians are pple who talks and talks and put it on paper to debate and convince only.

    how do u know that our universe is expanding? .what if I say our universe is contacting?

  10. There are only secrets of the universe if you think there are. You may be wrong or right, but it's what you believe that determines how you think about the universe.

  11. No one has them because there are no secrets of the universe.

    What is really happening is that we are ignorant about things of the universe.  Perhaps what you should be asking is who is more ignorant about the universe.  The answer to that ought to be obvious.

  12. Theologians don't have the proper methods or language, like chemistry and mathematics to even understand the universe. So, I say scientists can learn the secrets of the universe because they approach the universe with the same humility and awe that a theologian would to his god. Most importantly, theologians claim they know the secrets, while scientists admit they don't know them. You can't learn the secrets of the universe unless you admit you don't know them.

  13. Theologians or philosopher : Try Why?

    Scientist: Try How?

    Secrects: The Ones who find out and the ones who are told?

    The best one to know who made the Secrets: I tell.

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