
Theoretical Question: Government?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, if ,hypothetically, I had a lifeform from another planet in my garage (it keeps chewing on my tires), how would i (legally) go about presenting it to the Government?




  1. Extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen" can NOT be contained:

  2. You'd plan on going to the GOVT? If I were you, i'd stick to Animal Control.

  3. Surprisingly, there's a procedure already in place to handle alien contact.  You'd call your local Police, and they, in turn, would contact the Feds.  Depending on the *type* of contact you have - is it hostile? is it friendly? is it intelligent? is it dangerous?  - a local federal base (an Air Force base, a Naval Base, etc.) would be put on alert, and a special team flown in.   The local base would attempt to detain the lifeform, and escort it (if possible) to the base, or, isolate it from the public, and quarentine the area it's in, until the 'special team' is able to quantify the impact and address the situation.

    Or... at least this was the case in the 1990's...  I doubt it's changed much.  

  4. whose government?

    now, here in the USA, you can just grab any alien by the scruff of its naglix and drag its slimy, scaly, whatever, behind into your Local Police station.  Those guys LOVE dealing with aliens, believe me, I know.

    I drag several a week to my local constabulary, sure, they usually get away before I can turn them in, but I stop off with a bag of donuts and tell the 'boys' all about it.  They seem genuinely interested, at least until the donuts are gone.

  5. I have a different approach.  Take video of it and put it on youtube.  Send a copy to the local media.  

    Besides, who needs the government to take care of aliens?  They won't do anything about our current alien problem.  You'll just be blamed for something and charged with crimes for trying to do the right thing.  

    Sorry, am I sounding cynical?

  6. Call Animal Control.

    Let *them* deal with it.

  7. Definitely take pictures and shoot video yourself.  Put them on the internet, but don't use your real name or people will think you're nuts.  

  8. I wouldn't go to the Government with it.  By the time they got through enough red tape to appoint a committee to investigate funding, the thing will have died, and so will you - of old age.

    Go to a local University.  If you can, bring it with you.  If not, bring pictures, and tell them that you'll let them see it.

    The Military will only care if it's a threat, or can be used as a weapon.  Is that what you want for your nice alien?

    True story: My son was an alien, but now he's a US citizen.

  9. Get a mouse trap!  

  10. "Government, this is Lifeform From Another Planet.

    "Lifeform From Another Planet, this is Government."

    You just present him/her/it/'They' as you would present anybody else! (This should be an 'Etiquette' Question!)

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