
Theoretical question: Would you donate your embryos (women) or be okay with your wife donating embryos (men)?

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Say you've been trying to get pregnant for years with no luck. You've decided to do in vitro fertilization (put your egg and sperm together and insert the living embryos into the womb). More of the embryos survive than you need to implant, and the doctor asks if you would donate them to be implanted into other women, or to be sent to a research facility. Say you have a choice which cause the extra embryos would go to.

Would you donate them? Would you give the okay for them to be destroyed? Why or why not?




  1. I would if I had already gone through having them taken out. There's no use in just letting them die and waste all that time, energy and money. I wouldn't have a problem with any of my children running around because they wouldn't be mine - they would be the children of the mother who had them.

  2. I'd donate to a couple who wanted a baby. My belief is life begins at conception, so destroying embryos is murder in my book.

  3. Right now I do not think that I would donate them another person. I would more likely 'give' them to a research facility as long as they weren't making mutants out of them or anything. But when I'm big and fat and happily pregnant then I might want to share in my wealth. But I would probably want pictures or something because I don't think I'm strong enough to 'give away' my child. Because that does take a very strong person.

  4. I'd never donate them. I'd sooner destroy them. There's no way I want a child of mine being raised by someone else. I got pregnant at 17 and we kept her. My children are too precious to give away, even in embryo form.

  5. I would want to keep them frozen to go through IVF again later, to have more children.

    If I was sure I didn't want more children, then I would donate them.  I am 100% sure of that.

  6. I would keep as many as I safely could.

  7. As someone who has been in that situation, it's a tough tough call. I have done 3 IVF cycles and when I started thought that I would donate them. I have not gotten enough to donate, just enough to freeze a few (3) for future frozen embryo transfers. Being in my situation now (Not pregnant, no children), If I had gotten more from my cycles and donated them I would have a horrible time wondering if any on my embryos resulted in a live birth and if someone out there had a child that could have been mine.

    I guess my thoughts have changed a bit. Now, I feel I would want to use every embryo for myself, be it transferred to me or a surrogate. If I had enough (Or get enough my next cycle) and couldn't possibly use them all in these ways, I would want to donate them to science and hope that it would help women who have had failed IVF transfers have a better chance in the future of conceiving with their own embryos.

  8. I would donate them to women who can not have children on their own, i would want someone to do that for me if i was in that situation, so yes i would, i think every responsiable women deserves a baby!

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