
Theories on the time continuum?

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i was just wudering wa theories people have on the time continuum and what the time continuum is in detail??




  1. space-time

    a continuum is when all parts are so connected you can tell on from the other, so it couldnt be just time

  2. It's were time stops just for a brief moment when you are typing a word, then begins again..when it 'does' you can't seem to remember where you began and mankind takes on an alien form.

  3. Books have been written on spacetime (yes, time and space are linked).

    Read Brian Greene's and Michio Kaku's books. Also read Einstein's biography. Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacion is the best available.

  4. Time continuum is just the flow of events in the Universe, nothing to get excited about.

    Time-space continuum, on the other hand, is a peculiar way in which time and space are part of the same thing, rather than separate identities. In a nutshell, if anything affects space, it will also affect time, and vice versa. The best example is gravity - it bends space and it slows the time down.

  5. Within Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, time is the fourth dimension - so that space and time become space-time. This fourth dimension is then incorporated into calculations of the 'metric' or measure of a small element 'ds' of (here flat or Minkowski) space, in an equation of the type: -

    ds² = dx² + dy² + dz² - c²dt²

    Thus, in relativistic calculations time becomes a fourth dimension. However, a more general consideration of time might proceed as follows.

    As humans, we perceive time as a steady progression of a sequence of events whose progress we measure with artificial units. These artificial units are centuries, years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Although physics allows a symmetric nature to the progression or regression of time; we only observe time as progressing inexorably forward. For human perception, the progress of time may seem fast or slow depending upon what we are doing - despite the imposed units of time progress. Artificial units for time are awkward and so some writers and theorists discuss the march of time in terms of the thermodynamics quantity known as entropy. The entropy of an object is its energy content divided by its temperature: -

    S= ∆Q



    Where 'S' is the entropy and '∆Q' the energy content and 'T' is the absolute temperature. The concept of entropy is a measure of order. The more ordered a system is then the lower its entropy. It is a rule of nature that systems such as the universe drift towards greater and greater disorder as 'time' progresses. Thus, the universe started out with a low entropy but its entropy has increased continually since the Big Bang. Although it is possible to reduce the entropy of a closed system, for example by cooling, it is only possible for the entropy of the overall universe to increase. Thus, time may be linked to the entropy of the universe - it must forever go forwards and increase.

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