
Theorists believe that chidren's development?

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Some theorists believe that children’s development follows an inborn plan. Others consider that children’s development is affected primarily by external factors. What do you believe and why?




  1. I feel it is both. Our environment affects how we see the world and our inborn plan or our genetics tells us how to react or use the things we learn. A person's brain chemistry reacts to how that person is treated. A child might not realize it until they have grown up. Two people raised the same could be two different personalities because of their own chemistry. Hope this makes some sense.

  2. I believe it is a combination of both - genetics of course affects a child's development and the environment that child grows up in also affects a child's development. If a child is ignored in his/her crib, he will grow up neglected, unloved and will be looking for love.  If a child has his needs attended to, he/she will be more confident and self assured of the love around him/her.

  3. Combination of both in varying degrees for such a tough question.  From the father of 5 including identical twins.

  4. I think that it goes along with the theory nature vs. nurture.  Some things about children develop because of the genes, and other things happen because of their environment.  Some children are naturally a certain way, such as their temperment.  Other things are shaped by the environment. For insItance a child can be slow to warm, where they have to ease into their environment, and slowly become comfortable with new surroundings.  That is just how their personality is, and that is like an inborn quality.  But suppose a baby does not have their needs met, and learn that they cannot trust their environment.  That experience stays with them, and they have a hard time trusting their surrounding and people.  It seems to be a mixture of inborn and external qualities.

  5. I believe that much of a child's development has to do with external factors. I see so much potential in the children I encounter everyday but without proper guidance from parents, grandparents,teachers etc. it is hard to say whether or not that potential will be tapped into. I guess I'm saying if the "village" fails the child, the child could eventually fail the "village".

  6. external factors our behavior and the way we develop depends on our surrounding for sure.

  7. It's a combination of both, of course.  Duh.

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