
Theory about the 4th dimension?

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Well i got bored today and started reading articles about the 4th dimension.

Well we know that the first dimension is simply a dot and the second dimension is a flat world. If a 3 dimensional object enters the flat world that 3d object will only be seen as a slice of whatever is touching the flat world.

For example if a cylinder enters the flat world (2d World) the objects in the flat world can only see a circle of what slice of what the cylinder is touching onto the world.

In the fourth dimension we have leg nth width height and time. What i've read it means that everything from your birth to death happens all at ounce. It's like a line from your birth time to your death. So it's kinda like the string theory. So people can see everything of what is going to happen all at ounce. Everything that will happen in the third dimension has already happened in the 4th and I think it repeats itself without every knowing.

Well i thought wouldn't that be kinda the same with the 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension. Some people say they see weird objects and stuff like unidentified objects that seem to be unknown in our world.

Could it be those objects are from the 4th dimension. Like when a 3d object enters the 2d world only a slice of what the 3d object is touching onto the world can be seen. Well the 4th dimension is

Length x Width x Height with that we also add time and like I said before it shows everything that happens from beginning to end. Well what those strange things we see could be a part of the objects in the fourth dimension.

Lets say it like this for a more clear example. We will use cubes for the parts of the time in your lives. Cube 1 shows you eating lunch, cube 2 shows you going to bed, cube 3 shows you taking a shower the next day. Well what if the set of cubes come to our dimension. Since they are too complex to see the whole object from the 4th we can only see a single cube of the object and maybe even in a form we can't tell what it is. Sorry if this is confusing i did my best explaining T.T

Gimmie comments of what you think ^^




  1. Well, yes and no. The first three dimensions operate quite differently from the fourth and others (if they exist) : 1,2+3 all have to do with space while 4 (+) deal with the passage of time.

    That being said, we all essentially exist in 3 dimensions, yet operate in 4 as we travel through time. So I guess you could say that humans and, for that point, everything, are objects that travel through time and are visible in our world, which would mean that we are essentially no different than the UFO in your example.

    You are sort of correct, however, in what I believe you meant in saying that we can't fully operate in 4 Dimensions--- that would constitute us to be able to travel backwards in time and stop time. We can, however percieve the abstract idea of time.

    For something you are going for, the object would have to be in some sort of 4th- Sparial dimension, something that we could speculate exists, though we cannot percieve it, nor do we have any proof of it.

  2. Sounds about right. Our perception of space is limited to light speed.However light itself has no concept of time. So as to what side of our perception limits light chooses to play, I cannot say. I can see no reason why it would limit itself to our limits.

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