
Theory of Evolution question?

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So even current day animals going extinct (like the dodoo) are examples of the "theory of evolution" ... why do people always think that the theory of evolution explains the origin of life. It only explains that evolution happened and is still happening. the theory ofEvolution, Darwinism, and Abiogenesis are not the same thing.

now to ask a question real question... Do you agree with me or not? Why?

I'm putting this question in the religious section and the science section to see the major differences.




  1. I believe in the theory of evolution.  Its a proven fact.  How else would you explain it.  I however think that it takes faith to believe in other notions of religion.  I'm not saying that religion doesn't exist and I am not saying I don't believe,  I think evolution makes god so extraordinarily awesome.  To be able to do this is terrific.

  2. ozawald8. This is not the science section, but the social science section. You will see vast differences, though. And those believers will leak into any section that challenges or has massive evidence refuting their delusions.

  3. hmmm....

  4. I'm very religious and i believe that the theory of evolution is very wrong. I'm putting my self out on the line on this one i don't care what people think when i post this. Job had some insights into this; and now, you will be exposed to the questions God asked of Job: Job38:4 Where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. "Understanding" as you have learned is "logic", or "common sense". coupled with "wisdom" which is "the skill to hand the facts, the knowledge and the truth" Put some of this knowledge together. In job, God explains the earth was like a circle. Job knew the earth was not flat, although people thought it was flat well into the middle ages. How did God position the foundation of the earth. Scientists tell you that the gravitational pull depends on the masses and distances between them. Now interestingly, the earth does not orbit in a perfect circle, but elliptically around the sun. The sun, having a much larger mass than the earth, exerts a stronger gravitational pull. The moon is the major contributor to the tides. The effect of the sun on the tides is less than half that of the moon. May Christian ask, "How can people believe in evolution?" Evolution works on two principles 1) survival of the fittest; and 2) adaptation to changing environmental conditions. all this is supposed to happen entirely by chance. in other words, when species is trying to survive, it adapts to its environment in whatever way it possibly can. So, the scientists who believe in evolution  have caused their own problems. They put  a date on the universe with its age. Quite dogmatically, they say the universe is 10 to 12 billion years old, give or take a billion or two. some even say it could be 20 billion years old. with all that exists in the universe evolution just does not have enough time to work on a time-and -chance basis. wihtout sufficient time, evolution cannot take place. mathematically, it would take far more time that the evolutionist have calculated.  Well, God says, "Since you see the universe, therefore it was created." It could not have started from nothing. When you ask questions about evolution, you deal with these answers. Evolutionists say, "I don't know," or evade the questions and attempt to throw you off track. It is usually one or the other.  Just dealing with the forces, and throwing  time into evolution, there is simply just not enough time to cause the theory to make sense. you would need a n calculatedly amount of time to make sense of the theory. Mathematically, an equation cannot be created to resolve the evolutionary conundrum. You couldn't prove it if you could! Theres not enough time. You can't do an E=mc^2. Did the 4 fundamental forces exist before the big bang theory. (Gravity, Electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force) If so, where did they come from? Most know there are asexual things in the world such as amoebas. Amoebas self-produce. If a scientist believes in evolution, he might say, "well you know the amoeba it reproduces itself." Yes thats a fact. But how in the world did we go from this amoeba to species requiring another being for reproduction.

  5. It's not that people think that evolution "explains" all of those things.  The synthetic theory of evolution

    is a modern expansion of the old idea Darwin had, a version that has come to include related concepts in biology.  An evolutionary theory that only deals with how organisms change over time is not complete, but it's all that the theory had to start with.  New discoveries in the fields of biogenetics, cytology, etc.  have linked up quite seamlessly with the discoveries in the field of evolution and so fall under the same scientific umbrella.

    Also, species going extinct is an idea that by itself doesn't offer prof of the theory, since a creationist could argue that a species created by God could all die off.  But explore the link - there are myriad lines of evidence to take in.  Good stuff.

  6. Evolution explains everything back beyond the most primitive life on Earth today.  It is kind of silly to assume that God created us in his own image if he started with tiny bacteria over 3.5 billion years ago.  There is virtually no doubt that we are physically descended from animals that started then.  We are likely more than just physical beings and I do have personal reasons to believe there is a superior and nonphysical being.  Religion should deal with the soul.  The physical body is clearly evolved from primitive bacteria.  

    The universe is vast and our sun is apparently only an ordinary star out of the approximately 10 billion trillion stars in the universe.  People who see themselves as the center of the universe are probably being a bit egocentric.  If God created it all, and concentrates his efforts here, that is the greatest miracle of all times.  It seems more likely that no people have all the answers.

  7. Please dont have kids. I have a feeling we will end up paying for their upkeep.

  8. No problem here. Evolution is a human description of God's method of creation.

  9. Well evolution would explain how we went from primordial ooze to something that swims, then slithers, then crawls, then walks, the walks upright, etc. You gotta think further back than you are. Animals becoming extinct nowadays is not evolution at hand. They are going extinct because man is posing too many challenges on them that they cannot evolve fast enough to meet. Evolution is on a much much larger scale than most people can fathom.

  10. I think you make a very good point.  And its really only a problem to those religious fanatics who insist on taking everything the Bible says litterly.  In reality, both concepts are quite interactive.

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