
Theory of cycle existence

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Ok I'm a 14 year old boy who loves the science channel. Have you ever heard or the LHC (large hadron collider) an machine used to recreate the big bang. look it up for more information. well my theory proves that other dementions could exist. i was wondering if our universe is the reult of another Machine from another demention that they used to see how their universe was created and what if that dension was created by another demention the same way. it could be destiny that each universe or demention is desined to create another demention or universe. I call this theory Cycle Existence.

I have had this theory in my head now for months and i had to tell someone i want you to tell me what are your oppinions about my theory if you think it is possible

any questions about the LHC (large hadron collider) go to this site


another theory

didnt the universe start from like partickes the size of what they are using to recreate the universe. well what if we actaully create a full size universe over ours! its like adding 1 1=1 2 universes in 1 universe. we could destroy everything if this happens. i dont have a name for this theory but please tell me what are your oppinions on my theorys. i wish i had a scientist right next to me to tell him what he thinks of my theorys




  1. Your first theory isn't scientific.  It's more religious, since it doesn't have any means of being tested.  A scientific theory has to tell us something about the universe that we can measure and check.

    The second theory is just nonsense.  The premise is false.

    Keep thinking and keep studying physics.

  2. The collider works by colliding small particles at speed of light. Producing the 'effects' of the big bang or a microscopic black holes. The actual big bang was the result of a small very dense object exploding into lesser density which is our uni today. (i know, it's a crude explaination).

    But no, colliding particles in a lab would not create another mini galaxy. There isn't enough density in it. But why was there a big bang in the first place is unknown. Perhaps your inquisitive mind could reveal that to us one day.

    Of course, there is always the possibility that Horton Hears a Who might exist. :)

  3. "Theory of cycle existence"

    I like this title because everything in the natural world seems to be on a cycle.  Is there some sort of order to this cycle or is it random?  If you haven't already learned about this in school, look up the laws of thermodynamics and entropy.  Good luck, you are a philosopher and a scholar!

  4. you're a very intellectual boy, i'm also 14, and not one guy in my school gives a monkey about this. You're so cool! I am constantly thinking about our universe's creation too.

    You're theory is interesting, and quite possible, however, as you know, more research is needed. As much as I'd like to congratulate you, I have to also warn you that as much as you want to spread your thoughts, someone else could take them. The dimension bit was intruiging, and made me think. maybe you should read up a bit more, and think much much bigger, to eventually publish your theory. It's possible, and I'm sure agencies are looking for young writers. Good Luck in anything and everything.

    If you want to talk, I'd be more than happy to help in any way.

  5. First of all I'm glad to see you are so enthusiastic about physics.  I wish more young people were.

    Your theory of cycle existence (very catchy name!) is not religious like someone previously stated, it is philosophical.  Also as previously stated there would be no way of producing evidence for this and there certainly is no observable basis for this.  It is interesting and I suppose could be possible but this theory suggests that matter and energy is infinitely divisible (which all current evidence says it is not);  If in every universe there is a machine that makes another infinitesimally small universe, then to the first universe (if there is one) each successive universe is smaller and smaller on to infinity.  The previous statement also applies to any universe ever created in this manner.  It could also be possible that matter and energy could forever be broken up into smaller pieces (which could further validate your theory) however we don't have and probably never will have the technology to prove this.  Another interesting thought:  If one of these created universes were to somehow end or be destroyed then each successive universe after that would also be destroyed (that is if we are assuming that the created universes stay within the universe that created it).

    For your second theory:

    To create a universe over our own would require more energy than our universe itself contains and also a machine that could somehow funnel and handle all of this energy at once.  Also even if we could gather and release all of the energy in our universe there would be no telling what would come of it.  To be honest if we gathered all the energy and mass in our universe we would basically just create the big collapse which would most likely result in another big bang and everything would start over.


    I once heard a theory that came from a very old lady in colloquium about the big bang.  She said that the universe existed on the back of a giant turtle,  the speaker then asked what the turtle was on and she replied  "why on top of another turtle of course".

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