
Theory that planets are closer to Earth than stars.

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Do not use the sun for this question!

Which support the theory?

Choose all letters that are correct.

A. Kepler's laws accurately predict distant orbits for the stars.

B. Stars appear to be stationalary, while planets move.

C. Human-made probes have approached the planets but not the stars.

D. Planets appear as discs through a telescope while stars remain points.

E. Planets sometimes block light from stars.




  1. Its all of them.(or is it?)Guess you'll have to trust our answers since we are doing your homework for you.

    I'm sorry, thats the sarcastic part of me    Its definately Not

    #2, or F.

  2. B, C, D and E are all correct. A is not correct because, although it can often be true, it is not useful in determining whether stars are farther away than planets.

  3. BCDE

  4. its fact, not theory...

    B, C, D, E (only two planets can possibly do this...)

  5. Tell me, why even bother attending school, if you can't be bothered to learn the material? Do you really think that you will be able to get a job based only on good grades? You will need to know your stuff once you enter the real world.

  6. All of them is facts. The next closet star to our earth is alpha centauri a group of 3 stars that is 4.5 light years away.

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