
There's Something About Public Toilets...

by  |  earlier

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Right, I'm a dude. And when I go into a Public Toilet, dieing for a p**s - I go to the Urinal and... it just won't come out XD. I mean it kinda all locks up down there. Thing is if I just go into a cubical, where no-one else is around - all flows naturally. Just seems when there is other blokes around I can't get it going.

I have no idea why this happens.. it just does. Anyone know why?

And before anyone says... cause I know people will - It's not embarrasement, I'm all good in the hood thank you ;)... and I'm not g*y.




  1. Its just hard when you know that someone easily could catch a have to relax, take a deep breath....h**l don't worry about, just use the cubical anyway...if you are dead set on using the urinal, begin when there are few ppl in the rest room, like after hours at a business or early in the morning.  Maybe if you get used to using the bathroom in the open with no one around, you will be more comfortable with the surroundings and therefore more likely to be comfortable with ppl around!

  2. that happens to me too! i just can't lol. it's horribly disgusting. i usually just hold it until later, but then you're at risk for urinary tract infections  so it's a lose-lose situation.

  3. I have a friend that has the same probleme, I guess it is normal.  Sometimes we dont know why things are, but if it work in a stall just use that.    

  4. that happens to me too and I'm not a guy XD

    dunno think of the might help lol

  5. It's just because you aren't relaxed enough when trying to pee infront of others. If you can't relax you can't go to the bathroom.


  6. It's called "Shy Bladder Syndrome", and it's nothing to worry about, just continue to use the stalls as you have been doing! After all, you're only there to take a whiz, who cares if it is in a toilet or a urinal, right?

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