
There's a bat in my house?????????

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okay so here is the story. i was watching tv like any normal person and my dad was on the computer... la la la... then BOOM!!!! a bat comes out of nowhere!!! im really scared now and like my dad opened up all the windows and doors and we havent seen the bat since... i swear it was HUGE and so i was wondering where did it come from??? we dont have an attic or anything like that cuz its an apt. but where did it come from and how do we prevent it from happening again?????

by the way, is it just me or is asking a question in a different format??

hmmm.. very suspicious..

anyways thanks!!




  1. I really don't know what to tell you to prevent for this to happen in the future except to keep your home germ-free.

    You could always call animal control if you have any more problems with the bat. ^^

  2. First things first don't panic... bats are everywhere and very useful animals. They eat 150x their own body weight in bugs every night.

    Second, it may have gotten in while no one was looking. Probably following a bug on its way inside.

    Its at night and its flying around, that leads me to believe its not sick. However if it acts strangely, like not being able to fly or groggy, then I suggest you immediately call animal control.

    If its not sick and you feel like you can catching it yourself... grab a laundry bag with the pull string and wear gloves if you got them. wait for it to perch, most likely it'll find a spot on the wall or curtains. Approach it slowly without screaming (They use sonar to navigate and have perfect vision, yes the stereotype is false. screaming may only draw it towards you or desperately away.) and try to contain it in side the laundry bag. Take the bag outside, simply open it and walk away. Don't try to remove it from the bag, let it get out on its own.

    I in no way want you to endanger yourselves, I myself have dealt with a few bat incidents with no complications. Once in a college dorm, where I used the laundry bag and once when it hitched a ride indoors on my back, true story.

    Most bats don't have rabies. In fact the ones that do are kicked out of the nest and shortly die thereafter.

    If the bat does bite anyone then it must be kept for rabies testing, sadly that test for the bat is fatal.

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