
There's a due process hearing going on right now for my son and I need to know whether duplicating the schools

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tests would make them invalid or not. I had requested IEE's at the scholls expense they denied my request and filed a due process complaint. I'm currently getting IEE's at my expense but someone had said that if the evaluators use the same tests that at the due process hearing they would be considered invalid and the school couldn't use them then. Also, someone said that the new evaluations I'm currently getting done that the school HAS to use these tests for his school services and placement. Is this true? Or do they just have to consider them?




  1. By law a school only has to 'consider' outside testing.

    It is true that if the evaluators you use do the same tests as the school, they will be invalid because all tests are only to be done once a year.

    You can , however, do different tests to diagnose the same problem.

    For example, there is more than one kind of test to diagnose reading problems, dyslexia, etc.

    So if your evaluator does different tests than the school uses to diagnose the same problems, then this is ok.

    This is very unusual, the school is actually filing due process hearing to prove their own evaluations are sufficient, huh?

    It will still be up to the hearing officer to decide if they really are or not.

  2. In the US the school can choose to consider outside tests, or not.

    It is true if the tests are duplicated within a year's time, the results are invalid.

    I'm not sure what you mean by IEEs.

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