
There's a freaky kid who likes me. A lot. Help?

by  |  earlier

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OK, at my school, there was this kid who was really ugly and scary and I haven't even seen him before and he likes me. My friends had to point out who he was for me. He wanted my size so he could buy me clothes. He stole my friend's notebook for my number. (Which he didn't get, phew!) And I'm only going into 7th grade. No one has ever liked me before, and his friends keep on yelling, "Hey, Brandon wants to tell you something!" It's freaky and I'm afraid he'll ambush me and start hugging me or something! He has liked, like almost every girl in our grade. He liked my friend for 2 weeks, but he liked me from May to the end of school. I'm worried when I go back to school, he'll still like me! Help!




  1. i know how you feel...(ewww to many freaky ones)

    just avid him and act like you like another guy...

    ignore him all the time... when someone teases you about him, just act like you didnt hear what they said. dnot look towrad him and there!!

  2. Stand up to him and tell him he's annoying. The truth hurts right???

  3. You sound like a mean girl?  Are you ?  

  4. If you had to ask who this guy was your not in any immediate social life death situation yet.. Better ask the guy you really want to be with so your stalker will go and try to get another girl..

  5. tell him back off and if he doesnt talk to your parents about you

  6. If he's liked every girl in your grade, then it's probably just a matter of time before he decides to pursue someone else. If that fails, then a good shot of pepper spray to the face should spell rejection loud and clear.

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