
There's a guy I think is cute and I don't even know him...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to find out of he's a jerk or something before I waste my time pursuing him. I've never talked to him or ANYTHING, and how in the world can I know him? He's not in any of my classes, and I think it would be weird to just talk to him.. or is that something people do? Just randomly say, "Hi I'm Areya, what's your name?"





  1. Accidentally bump into him or drop something in front of him so he can pick it up for you and strike up a conversation from there!  Flash him a smile and look like you're interested from the start, otherwise he'll just keep walking, or give you what you dropped and walk away!  Good luck

  2. Yeah, just say'll get a response.  Then you can ask what classes he has, etc.

  3. I say just go talk to him.  Introduce yourself and see what he is like.  Don't have any expectations, so if he isn't worth the time, you aren't let down.  

  4. Just watch him a little bit. Once when you catch his eye just smile and ask him what classes his name, what classes he takes, and stuff like that. If you two click progress to different things.

  5. I was in a similiar situation, but one day I found his myspace, added him, started talking to him, and we were instantly friends :)

    If you cant find his myspace or anything, maybe you should just say Hi :) and wave, then do it more and more every day until youre comfortable enough to speak to him.

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