
There's a rather large mourning dove that frequents my bird feeder.....?

by  |  earlier

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And he scares all the other birds away so he can have all the feed to himself. He's a bird bully! Any suggestions as to what I can do to remedy this?




  1. I agree with fluffy, sprinkle the food on the ground and they won't bother the other birds.

    Just don't let the squirrels and rabbits see you do that. LOL.

  2. Have two bird feeders, one on each side of the yard or one out the back and one out the front, so if this bully goes to one feeder, the others can go to the other feeder.

  3. Get a different style feeder. One the birds have to perch on.  You must have just a flat space, or perches that are too big.  Two feeders of different types is a good way to get more birds.

    Maybe try a different type of seed.  

    Or try a slingshot.

  4. mmmh i have two cats or you can send him to L.A. i have a single cage i could keep him in...

    be vewwwy vewwwy quiet....

  5. Morning doves are very passive birds. They don't bother others but their size could chase others off. I feed mine on the ground along with the blue jays.

  6. sprinkle some feed on the ground for the dove, they prefer to eat off of the ground and they will leave the feeder for the other birds

  7. I use a kids "Super Soaker" water gun.  Crank that puppy up and when the doves appear, let 'er rip.  It'll shoot a stream of water about 30 feet.  After a while, the doves give up and find a more hospitable bird feeder  <Plus--it's fun to do>

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