
There's a small dot that feels like a tooth at the end of my gum ?

by Guest62734  |  earlier

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After my last molar tooth on the left side of my mouth there's this small dot that feels liek a tooth......i have no clue what it is? but it's bugging me.what is it?!?!




  1. Sometimes people can have extra teeth back behind their molars- they are usually smaller and are sometimes referred to as "supernumerary" teeth or "distodens."  That being said you would have to have an x-ray taken to be sure.

    It probably is a wisdom tooth, it depends on age, if you only have two molars on that side then it very well may be your wisdom tooth coming out. They usually erupt at about 17 years old- or later.

  2. It could be a small blood clot.  Go back to the dentist and have them take a look at it.

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