
There's a s****. girl who I'm going to give a chance!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a new sport, and i'm just learning the ropes. I'm not sure if the snobs (All snobs r on this team) will rag on me and stuff. I never really gave them a chance to be nice, although I was never mean.

Should I give them a chance by being nice, but allow them the opportunity to be mean, or should I just be stand offish, and not let them have the chance?




  1. Have these people ever done anything to you that explains why you have labelled them as "the snobs," or is that just another label like "the goths" or "the jocks" or "the losers" that are part of highschool life?  

    You shouldn't prejudge anybody.  (Wouldn't doing that make you a "snob" yourself?)  Treat everyone the way you yourself would expect to be treated...without exception.  You have nothing to lose by being as respectable a person as you can.

  2. I think you should be nice. Even if they be mean be nice. You can't do anything about the way they are, but you are responsible for your own actions.

  3. Just be nice to them so they will have to reason to be mean.  Don't seem too meek, though, because then they'll make fun of you.

  4. be who YOU are and if they are mean, (i don't wanna say you should be mean back), don't be nearly as nice as you are to them anymore. if it were me though, i wouldn't even be on that team or sport, i'd go somewhere else. and if they were mean to me, i'd leave. you don't deserve to be treated unkindly, so don't go through with it if thats what happens.

    grr...s****. people....hope this goes well for you. most snobs like to rag on you if you are not as "perfect" as they are, so it depends what kind of person you are.

  5. you can never go wrong with being the better person. But never stand back and get trampled on. (not literally) You can be nice to them and if they aren't nice back, then defend yourself and stand up for what you believe in. You may even gain their respect.

  6. Be nice to them.  Then, if they are rude back, you'll know what kind of people they really are.  

    Keep in mind, sometimes people are just uneasy around people they don't know.  If you give them a chance to get to know you, then maybe they'll become your friends.

  7. I say be nice and you'll know you did the right thing.  If they're mean, you knew it might happen, and just don't let them get to you.

  8. Hello,

    Here's the thing. When you just say, I don't like that person because of this or that you might be making a mistake. I've done that and realized that the person I didn't give a chance is actually a pretty cool person.

    I'm not saying let them walk all over you, but give them their fair chance and see where it goes. You might get a friend out of the deal or you might not. You'll never know until you give them a try.

    Hope this helps!

  9. well its sounds like my school.

    i'm a twin and i really don't look all that alike like my twin sister, there are major differences...

    anyway a really s****. prep called me Twin #1 and i kinda let her. even though i gave her a look like "don't ever say that again"

    but really i didn't say much.i look back now and think i should have stuck up for myself.

    so my advise to you is, you know they are mean and they will most likely be mean...because your new at the sport..

    STICK UP for yourself. if you let them once they think they can do it all the time.

    be strong and independent.

    i have faith.

    if you want further advise email me...

    best of luck =]

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