
There's a weird beetle-thingy crawling up your back.?

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There's a weird beetle-thingy crawling up your back.?




  1. that's nothing,there's a worn just about to escape from your pants

  2. Get it!  Get it off! Get it OFF!

    Wait..why the h**l am I screaming?

    I ain't 'fraid of no bug!


  3. Thank you I'll take care of that right away

  4. After I kilt it I found out that it was one your relatives.

  5. Oh my god ....get it off...GET IT OFF....

  6. honey get my gun this bugs going down

  7. Don't mind it. That is cousin Fred, after a wee-bit of an accident with an atom splicer and a telephone booth.

  8. Wack it off!!!

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