
There's "different" CO2?

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How come? [because wikipedia is such a "scholarly" journal"]

C'mon y'all CO2 is CO2... the levels are rising, oh no! we must hold our breath until the evil Americans pony up money and drive wee lil cars that run on batteries. [nevermind the waste created by tossing the old in the dumpster... or the fact that the new ones aren't really THAT friendly either...]

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  1. I always find it amazing that the proponents always leave out the most important aspects of fundamental science.Trap Co2 has always been here and it will always be a balancing act.It's this type of unscientific logic that alerts me to their true level of incompetence.There are a few poster's that give all the true details but for the most part you just read alarmist statements or theories.True the abundance of released co2 is a cause for consideration,but I also wonder about the way they compile data,interpret it,and how they omit data.

    Yes by all means plant a tree,not just for co2,but vegetation is the primary buffer for land to water relationships.

  2. I'm going to give you the same answer as I did in your previous CO2 question, because it applies equally here.

    CO2 trapped in fossil fuels for millions of years is what's causing the current warming. The CO2 we breathe is part of the natural carbon cycle.  Natural sources absorb as much (actually slightly more) carbon as they emit.

    Try reading about the natural carbon cycle sometime instead of mocking people for knowing more about a subject than you do.  If you don't want to read about it in Wikipedia, look it up somewhere else.  I don't care.  Pick one.

    By the way, hybrid batteries are fully recyclable.

    "Q: Are hybrid batteries recyclable?

    GS: Absolutely. In fact, Toyota pays a bounty to dealers who recover them from damaged vehicles. Additionally, our engineers are studying the possibility of remanufacturing these batteries."

    I don't give a rat's as$ if you trust them, that's the facts of the matter.  Toyota offers a $200 bounty for people to return the batteries.  It's to their benefit because then they don't have to pay for more raw materials.  Christ you're thick-skulled.  Why do you even ask these questions if you're just going to ignore and/or mock the answers?  Does it help your ego?  Because it sure shouldn't.

    The point isn't that they're being altruistic, the point is that they want the batteries back so they can recycle and remanufacture them, numbskull!

  3. There is no "different" CO2. But there can be CO2 that was taken out of the air by a tree and then put back in the air by burning the wood from the tree. That CO2 does not change the balance of gasses in the air. Then there is coal that has been underground for millions of years which we dig up and burn to add new CO2 to the air that was never there in the first place. So basically only CO2 created from burning fossil fuel we dug up can change the balance of gasses in the air, while all CO2 from biological sources is just being recycled from the air back to the air and not causing any change in the long term balance of gasses in the air.

  4. Yes.  Here's how come.

    Scientists can prove the CO2 increase in the air comes from burning fossil fuels by using "isotopic ratios".  Trees try to keep up with us, but every year they lose:

    Look at this graph.

    The little squiggles are nature doing its' thing. CO2 falls a bit during summer when plants are active, and rises during the winter. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels.  The natural carbon cycle buried carbon in fossil fuels over a very long time, little bit by little bit. We dig them up and burn them, real fast.  That's a problem.

    Man is upsetting the balance of nature.  We need to fix that.

    PAPPY - I truly don't understand your comment.  We're upsetting the balance you talk about.  Look at the graph above.  It should be relatively flat, just moving up and down a little with the seasons.

    Do you think thousands of scientists are being stupid?

  5. What?

    CO2 is CO2, nothing more. Its carbon and oxygen like it always has been. Where did you get the idea of a "different" CO2?

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