
There's sexism in society, what of it?

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LMFAO @ Flame....




  1. we need to leave this planet better than we found it... that's what.

  2. There is also racism, religious hate, nationalism (not to be confused with patriotism), terrorism, child abuse, people starving to death, serial murders, war...........sick sick world we live in.

    Whats wrong with wanting it to be a better place for our children?  Can we fix it all today? tomorrow? not likely but we can at least work on it.

    Edit: Very well said Mudkip!

  3. Sexism is wrong because it involves generalizations about a group of people based on something completely arbitrary. The problem with generalizations is that there are always exceptions and they impede progress overall. If, for instance, the sexist assumption that women and girls cannot be skilled in math and science prevails, fewer resources will be directed toward getting girls interested in math and science in school, and it will continue to be difficult for women to break into those careers.

    Not all women, however, hate math and science, and not all are bad at it. Who knows how many Marie Curies or Sophie Germains with incredible talent we have lost by making it so difficult for women to achieve in those fields? Perhaps some little girl with great potential in math, opposed every step of the way by parents and teachers who perpetuate sexist stereotypes, could have discovered some brilliant new theorem but was halted by sexism.

    Thus, sexism impedes technological, scientific, mathematical, and overall human progress.

  4. I like it, it makes me laugh to see people so easily offended by clicking sounds coming from another pie-hole.

  5. we need more of it

  6. Lots of bad things but I'm to busy arguing over who should stay home or whether or not some kid wasn't allowed to play on a certain team to really get down to the nitty gritty.

  7. It needs to be put in its proper place...along with the other isms and so-called evils of this world.  We, as a society, need to prioritize what we see as harmful to us as a people, and start working on each in order.  

    Sexism falls way down on the list for me...not that it doesn't exist or that it isn't important - but it isn't the worst issue we face.  Given my choice, I would have the feminists spend their considerable time, energies and zeal on issues like homelessness and child hunger.  And if they are able to make some progress in that area, I would be happy to lend a hand in their cause.

  8. I prefer it in smart-*** form.

  9. It's bad.  That was easy.

    Actually, sometimes I wonder why women think sexism only affects them as well.  I can think of plenty of female users on here who have all sorts of stories about women being oppressed and stuff, and when I try to bring up a similar situation affecting me, it's suddenly okay.  I don't understand it at all, but I'm handicapped by thinking logically.  Luckily, not all women think like that.

  10. Just because it's out there doesn't mean that you have to participate.

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