
There's some jerk honking repeatedly outside of a house down the block. What should I do?

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I kind of live in the hood, so I'm not sure who'll be out there.




  1. Your city probably has some type of noise ordinance, so put it to use -- call the nonemergency police number and report the "jerk."  


  2. call the cops.....

  3. go outside and honk your horn back

  4. I live in an unincorporated area of Sacramento, Cal. Not in the city. I called the Cal. highway patrol (Internet) and left a message. Eight days later a  patrolman showed up at the door. He gave me a cell phone number. He said to provide date and time, lic plate number, a brief description nunber of the offender.          That was the end of that problem!

    I live near a busy four lane Boulevard. I am working on Harleys, boom box cars, all kinds of idiots. I tried running the vehicles down using my own car. It is very difficult and the police do not have time for it. Your speed when chasing these guys down can be highly illegal.

    I hired some teen aged boys, equipped them with cheap little two way radios, set them out on the street. They provide me with a few lic. plate numbers each day that I send them out!  It can cost thousands of dollars for these guys to replace a Harley or other exhaust system. Some custom bikes can NOT be fitted with an original , quiet exhaust.  s***w 'um, I am tired of having these jerks at breakfast, lunch, dinner and I sure do not like to go to bed with that noise!

  5. maybe the person he is waiting for is deaf? or hard of hearing?

  6. Slash his tires.

    Break his windows.

    Beat him up.

    Don't be a wussy and call the cops.

    You live in the hood, son!

    ..scratch that last gangsta reference.

  7. You are always welcome to call your local law enforcement division - they should have a non-emergency line.  They'll send someone out the first time and probably ask for a description of the car, license plate, address.  If the problem persists and you keep calling, they'll get so sick of you calling all the time that they'll take care of this annoying honker person.  They can write them up for disturbing the peace.

  8. throw some dog poo at his window bet you he stops

  9. if you're in "da hood" wouldn'y get yourself shot over the ordeal.  Let the cops take care of the issue.

  10. i'd call the cops- you're trying to get some sleep!

  11. are you sure its not a car alarm

  12. You should go outside and tell him that it is very rude to disturb the peace in the neighborhood by honking all the dang time.  On the other hand if you live in the hood.....well....u never know what can happen in the hood so just call the cops and make a noise complaint.

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