
There's something in the water here in Vegas?

by  |  earlier

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So, a co worker comes up to a few other employees and myself. She told us that she was making jello last night on the stove top; made one batch and put on more water for another batch. When she looked at the water, it was fine, very still. As soon as she turns away, it explodes. WTF? I've heard of liquids exploding when heated in the microwave but never stove top. Are there chemicals in our water??? Would this have anything to do with the waste dumping at Yucca Mtn? If so...that's not cool. I have little ones who bathe in that water and who usually want to taste the water lol. WTF is going on??




  1. was she using a glass or corning ware pot, did she dump out the boiled water add cold tap water right away and place it on the red hot element.If so all the sudden temp changes may have made the pot blow so to speak

  2. There is no waste at Yucca yet, so there goes that one.  Besides, the migration of any contimination there would be on the order of a few inches per year.  It will reach Vegas somewhere around the year 3000 at that rate.

    I know Vegas water sucks, but someone was sampling the cooking sherry too much from the sound of it.

  3. I would think someone is pulling your leg.

  4. This is a case wherein it is imprudent to speculate, prudent to have water samples tested.

    It is also not useful to speculate as to the source of contamination without evidence.. it demonstrates a scientific bias.

    That doesw not mean you should not be looking for explanations where they may be, merely that you should avoid announcing on speculation without a spec of evidence. It may be some other source who can then use your announcement to discredit you.

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