
There's something strange going on?

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This summer vacation, I've pretty much been stuck inside my house. I've gained a bit of weight and I feel pretty tired and lazy lately, what's going on with my body? Is it something to do with puberty?




  1. Puberty can bring on a lot of chemical changes in the body. It is normal to feel tired, bored, really happy, all kinds of things during this time. Get yourself motivated and spend more time around friends and doing different activities.

  2. It sounds like you haven't been moving your body very much during the summer.  Your body has gotten use to not being active.  This can make you feel tired.  Maybe when school starts your schedule will keep you going.  Good Luck.

  3. Yeah , if you are in your teens, or just before it , it most likley is.

    however don't let laziness afect your health. make sure you excersise 30 minutes everyday, and eat right! :) try to get out more aswell, so your mind doesn't suffer. it's nothin to worry about though, just stay healthy and you'll be fine! :D

    good luck x

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