
There's something wrong with my hamster?

by  |  earlier

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its bleeding from the back end of its but to its stomach it kinda looks like its intestines are showing its still alive and all but i was just wondering why this could be theres no other hamster in the cage but he/she and i thought it was eating at him self which i don't now why it has tons of food and water what should i do




  1. Abscess.

    Point blank.

    To the vet you shall go.

  2. There is deffinetly something wrong. If your hamster is very important to you, take it to a vet. I had a hamster for 4 years, he was very important to me. I just did not take him to a vet in time. My Hamster Leo was having what seems like the same problem as yours. After Leo died we came to find out that, he had actually eaten large pieces of his toys that were plastic. Since hamsters can't digest plastic, and since the plastic was a large piece, it had actually gone down and cut open his intestines. He was bleeing from his bottom and he had intestines that were bulging from his tummy. When we found him dead after a few days, his stomach had actually burst open. The plastic cut through his intestines and opened up is stomach. At this time, we had his mate Lila...she was in a seperate cage. But, to make sure this didn't happen to her, we spoke to a vet. He told us some things that may be useful to you. If you have bedding or woodchips that are larger pieces of wood, your hamster may be eating them and that could be causing what happens. Our vet told us to get the smaller pieces of bedding for the cages, and to monitor and check to see if our hamster had been eating her toys. I would check your hamsters cage too. I am in no way a vet, I just had an experience the same as yours. It could be an infection or something completely different than what happened to my hamster. I would deffinetly check with a vet for some pro advice. Good luck, and I hope your hamster gets better

  3. Go to the vet right now!

    I don't know what's wrong with your hammie, but I know you should go to the vet right now.


  4. Definitely the vets for gods sake!

  5. maby see a vett ???

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