
There's this cat that was under my deck that was meowing like crazy all day and it kept me up.....?

by  |  earlier

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How do you suggest I remove this feline from my property so a guy can get some sleep? I work nights and I can't have this.




  1. let her do her thang, then she will move on ...geez

  2. get out your water hose and soak it

    if you have a Fero tom you will soon have kittens

    they do it like rabits

  3.   It did not eat the cob of corn because you did not put any "tapatio" on it . Lol . Right Lulu .

      I feel for you Mr. Bond . Call the experts and have them get the cat out . Good luck !

  4. do the thing that is good and will help you

  5. I agree with calling the SPCA. Just make sure to tell them that you don't want it put down. It is possible that it has kittens so don't try to catch it on your own.

  6. Call your local SPCA. They will catch it and take care of it.

  7. take it out. possibly stuck?

  8. fence below your deck. or call animal control they will be able to find the owner of this cat. other wise if you catch the cat on ur property spray it with water. cats dislike that very much so  

  9. Best solution : Adopt the cat.  Use tuna to draw him out and then bring him inside.  Take him to a vet immediately to get him thoroughly checked out and neutered and vaccinated.  This little guy will give you years of love.

    Good solution : Call a local no-kill shelter and ask to borrow a kitten trap.  They will often ask for a deposit which you get back when you return the trap.  The trap won't harm the kitten and you can take the kitten to the shelter with the trap.

    Least-good solution : Call your local animal control.

    EDIT :: throwing something at the cat is ugly and shameful.  Contact your local shelters.  Please disregard what I said about adoption - I don't think it would be a good idea in your case.

  10. OK so dont be mean and put down poisin or anything,fill a few 2 litre bottles of water not completely to the top but almost there and put them around the deck with a few orange peels and this should keep the cat away, their unsure and afraid of the bottles and the orange peel doesnt appeal to them as in smell!! hope this helps!!!!

  11. I like the garden hose idea, that's got to work.

  12. See if you had gotten my Raccoons they could take care of the cat!!!

  13. Call a homeless animal shelter and see if they will loan you a humane trap, once you trap her, take her to the SPCA.

  14. garden hose. full blast. problem solved.

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