
There's this girl i want to talk to...?

by  |  earlier

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i talked to her today we have a lot in common, but how do i have a small conversation with her? i want to ask her if she wants to be my friend because she's always alone and by herself and seems depressed. how do i do this? btw i sit by her in every class... how weird...




  1. don't ask  to be friends directly, instead talk more about random stuff, hang out a bit, and sooner or alter ask her why she seems sad and all

  2. just ask her how she is, hows shes finding school, ask her about classwork etc

  3. Maybe once you start to talk a lot, you can swap cell #'s and text each other. Thats a great way to get to know someone. Or, if you don't txt, just try doing something really nice, like make her some brownies or invite her over. It would probably mean a lot to her.

  4. ask her if she wants to work with u in class, or sit with you at lunch if u see her alone, things like that reach out and be friendly.;...

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