
There's this guy i like and he's a pot head what should i do? Remember he's so hott!?

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He is so hott remeber that! should I care that he does that?




  1. yes cuz if he ever gets caught with the drugs it could always lead back to you and it could ruin your reputation and you could get in a lot of trouble if he gets caught with it

  2. Yes, you should care, and obviously you do.

    It's ok to be friends with someone who self destructive like that, like being friends with someone who sky dives, or goes base jumping off of office buildings.  But guard your heart so that you don't become influenced by his destructive behavior.

    You're uncomfortable about his smoking habits, and for good reason.  Don't loose your sense of reason for a pretty face.

    Maybe you're just the person he needs to get him back on the right track?

  3. omg are you serious hes an my boyfriend or both potheads an we loven dont worry about that just cause he smokes doesnt mean you have to plus hes hott =]

  4. depends on how opposed to drugs you are

  5. well honey, my sugestion to you is to go ahead and make out with him and see if u like his pothead bad breath!!!!!lol. jk. no but seriously.  carmen, dont go out with someone u arleady know has a rep for that. like other  people have said, this could end up affecting u really badly..and im sure ur parents wont want to find out about that....(that means ill most likly tell them0jk jk. but anyways, yeah, he my be hot, but u have bad tsate anyways, so he must be pretty darn ugly! lol. and  he probably will not succeedn in life so why go out with someone like that anyways...just stay away from potheads.....theyll just cause trouble and heart aches int he future....ok bye carmen...i hope u enjoy his stinkyness when u go out with him! jk. ...ok not really. bye bye. ps: im watchin u fool! lol.

  6. if u really like him no!

    that shouldnt matter.

  7. I dated a guy who was really hot but was a stoner. He really wanted to be with me, and I made the compromise that I would date him if he cut back on his drugs. He did, but when he showed up on my doorstep completely high one night, I decided that was enough. If you really really like him, and you are willing to look past his difficulties with drugs, then I'd say you could go out with him. But if he is dragging you in and making you do the drugs with him, then I'd say dump him. Or you could just do what I did and try to make a compromise. Hopefully it works out for you.

  8. It's weed, who care's, and it also depends how much he does it

  9. Sweetie hes not worth ur time drug use can be caused by many many things he may have had a bad past, lots of things. that is a suit case you dont want to open!

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