
There's this marker?

by  |  earlier

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and i'm totally in love with it. how do i express my feelings? i've tried subtle hinting, but nothing's working!! help!




  1. markers huh?

    i have seen some makers that were worth breaking the rules for

    i say go for it

    but have a contingency plan in case of

    well, you know

    little markers

    use protection, and sign a pre-nup, just in case things get carried away and you end up in Vegas

  2. suck it.

  3. Generally speaking, it is inadvisable to try to find romance outside your own species.

    Oooooh, they may look appealing during daylight, wearing the shiny metallic material, reflectors in dazzling red, beckoning, almost taunting.  Your loins begin to stir.  

    "Should I, or shouldn't I?"

    Then, it gets dark, and she begins to flash.  Suddenly, the dream of a fantastic life together disappears.  Flashing away in ruby mating call, trying to attract the attention of everyone, really wanting to couple up with a glad hand, hoping for the addition of a nice helper on the rear end.  And, she always spends her time in close proximity to an angle-c**k.

    On the other hand, if you can get her off the knuckle, you can cut off the shorts and fill from the rear.

    Even so, if you do decide to "go for it," mind the hose and USE PROTECTION.   I would recommend gloves. You never know how many trains have had her on the back...

    Tried it once...  she ran off with a car load of pipe.  Go figure...

    By the way, "FRED" is her nickname.  Short for "Fredericka."

    Wait a minute...  

    Your name is "Lacy?"

    You mean.............    you're female,too?


    Can the crew watch?

    Addendum:  I've had a bit of trouble of late.  Just to avoid any needless reportage, all terminology used for this answer are genuine "railroad-isms."

  4. HogHead is right.      Control yourself.

    Not to mention.....   the lights are flashing,   you see bright white light,    and come to the realization you are naked on the tracks and the express is coming through.
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