
There IS something wrong with me!!!!!!

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There is something wrong with me.

I'm depressed soooo much and i cry for NO reason at all. I'll just start crying. And i'll be shaking uncontrollably.

I have panic attacks a lot too. I cant control my emotions. I flip out a lot and its not hormones. I've always been like this!!!!!!!!!!

When i'm angry i scream and throw stuff.

I'm 14 and my mom is in denial that anything is wrong.

and i KNOW there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She just thinks i over-react to everything.

I'm tired of her not listening.

I've talked to her about it but i'm really starting to be scared...

She wont listen.

What do i do??




  1. There's nothing wrong with you.  This is teenage ****.  Stop complaining and get off the ******* internet.

  2. there are many options.

    1::you could try to inform your parents or other close relatives that you need help and make them bring you to see a doctor.

    2:: you could call a doctor on your own and ask them to talk your parents into bringing you in.

    3:: you could see a school psychiatrist once school lets in.

    4::you could try talking to friends or family to cope.

    DONT self-medicate. that could be something you would easily regret. your best bet is to get your mother to hear you through, but if she wont, you probably wish to try your best to contact another adult who could help you. hope this helps

  3. You have a lot of courage to ask for help.  Get your school nurse to help you talk to your mom.  Describe your symptoms to the nurse and ask her to help you talk to your mom.

  4. You sound like you are experiencing major depression with anxiety.  Your Mother must be made to listen and if you can't get her to pay attention to you, then I suggest your school counselor or a respected adult to talk some sense into her.  You need to be put on a antidepressant that works on anxiety and depression and also see a counselor.  There are also depression support groups at your local mental health center.  

  5. Hormones.

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