
There are 223 uncountable genes in a human being, why is this?

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our genes are the same as 98% of those found in chimpanzees, and common to 70% found in mice. Many human genes have similar or identical functions as genes found in other living organisms, both complex and simple.

All of the information that is available about DNA today leads scientists to the conclusion that there was a common source for the DNA that has found its way into every living thing on this planet. One can say that our DNA is in many ways a general blend of all other DNA that exists, with one big exception. There are 223 genes in the human DNA code that are not found in any other living organisms. it is a surety; we did not inherit this package of genes from any other form of life on this planet.This raises the question. Where did those 223 unaccounted genes come from? It is more possible that a race of advanced beings visited this planet thousands of years ago and spliced those 233 genes into our ancestor's DNA? You already know, this is not as far-fetched as it might seem




  1. answer a question with a question and I'm sorry to do this but wow.  OK why is it so much easier to believe that some alien life form came from outer space and spliced our genes and our DNA and so forth and so on but it's so hard to believe that we were created by a Supreme being?  Why is the alien theory so much easier to believe in than the theory of creation?  Maybe, just maybe we didn't inherit this package of genes from anything on this planet because they were given to us by a creator......I'm just throwin that out there as an option.  Now if we are to just examine evolution then through adaptation we have altered our physical traits to help cope with the challenges of our environment.

    The guys above me have made a brilliant point.  Just years ago we had way more genes that were undefined but as we learned about them we were able to define them and explain their propose and why other creatures don't have those same genes.

  2. Population studies show that the human population on earth today...roughly 6.5 billion people.... could only have occurred in the last 4-6000 years from a single set of parents. Had homo sapiens humans lived on earth for 500,000 to 1 million years as evolution states, the population today would have exceeded the number of atoms in the universe at normal reproductive rates.

    The common source of the vastly complex, hugely compact, precise, self-replicating and correcting  informational code of DNA was designed by our could not have arisen by chance from nothing. It has never been demonstrated that life can arise from non-living materials through natural processes which excludes aliens.

  3. are you a scientologist? and tom cruise could have a wonderful conversation i don't want to hear.  evolution occurs from adaptation and mutations during gene duplication.  if you look at all species they will all have certain combinations and groupings that are very similar or even exact, but they will also have another part in their genome that is unique to them.  advanced beings, like me, had nothing to do with that.

  4. i think earth was like a penal colony and that's why they check on us from time to time but don't make any real contact. or maybe some sort of experiment and something went wrong back on our mother planet.

  5. I would hope that humans have a set of genes that are not found in other organisms. I would imagine that chimps, bats, oranges, daffodils, bacteria, and all other types of organisms have their own unique DNA sequences. There are some flowers that have over 200 chromosomes. Does this mean all that extra genetic information was implanted by aliens? Accumulated random mutations over a few million years can probably account for much or all of this. 223 genes isn't a lot, when you look at the whole thing.

  6. Not too many years back we had ~3 billion uncountable genes in the human genome. As our knowledge increases we will be able to explain & catagorize the human genome in more detail. We know some genes are simply virus fragments from an infection in a bygone era.   Among the most puzzeling genes are those that suddenly appear in Homo sapien in a specific location, but test as more than than 1 million years old. MCPH1 is a gene that 70% of the World's population now has, but it is very rare in Sub Saharan Africa.

    Some see these genes as evidence that sapien interbred with either or both neandertal & erectus in the Mid East, Asia & Europe. See this link on MCPH1, a gene that suddenly appeared in the Mid East ~37,000 yrs ago:

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