
There are 4 times as many people in China as in the US, should their Olympic Medal count be divided by four?

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Oh wait, that would mean Togo's count would get multiplied by over 60, and then they'd win!




  1. its not by population. india only won 1 gold medal in history but they're second most populated. besides, US has fair advantage  as to height and physical characteristics while majority of chinese are thin, smaller, and poor nutrition so it doesnt really count

  2. Tortuga, just to be picky, China's population is almost 4.4 times greater than the USA s.

    China's population = 1,325,563,000 or 19.87% of world population.

    United States = 304,883,000 or 4.57% of world population.

  3. lol h**l no

    its not about population

    pretty much the only reason why the US has more olympic medals right now is because of michael phelps and all of the swimmers

    omg they're amazing

    but the US is enlisted in many more events than china

    for ex. like track + field,

    china is barely in any of that at all

  4. Nice...another Rhodes Scholar crawls out of the woodwork. Now you can do better than this. Make sure to pay attention when 3rd grade starts in a few weeks. Maybe one day you will be intelligent.

  5. If that was the case Britain would be at the top of the table :)

  6. Works for me.  The US has 65 medals to Canada's 7 medals, but the US has 10 times as many people.

  7. so some countries in it america has like 500 times people in it so should americas medal count be divided by 500 to suit the smaller countries

  8. That's a horrible question.

    that wouldn't make sense at all.

    Population doesn't mean anything.

    that would be the stupidest thing ever.!

  9. In this small world, we do have anti-America. However, it sounds like we do have anti-China too. Hey, it is SPORT, take it easy.

  10. actually China has about three times, not four. 1 billion vs. 320 million. And China has a one child rule, while in the US, any idiot can have 10 babies.  

  11. they have the same number of athletes competing as the US, so no. they are just better at some sports because they try harder and train better, maybe other countries can take a lesson here about government help for athletes.

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