
There are 48 BASES being built in IRAQ......why are they lying and saying they are bringing the troops home?

by  |  earlier

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one is bigger then the vatican........

do you honestly think they are going to leave them empty

they are alll lying again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Your source is almost two years old. To say they are still building by using this information is very misleading. The bases there in Iraq, that the report referenced are Iraqi basses that were occupied immediately after the initial invasion, yes there are many amenities in these bases but they are all in flown-in portable trailers, yes there is air conditioning in the troops bedrooms, once again trailers. many buildings were built to accommodate the troops with basic wants and needs you would expect for them to be fed, keep in shape and keep up their morale.  All were made of metal not concrete and bricks. I doubt any of these structures would last more than 5 to 10 years at best.

  2. they have been bringing the troops home for years now, the only problem is that the keep sending them back. but as for the bases, ive heard that they will be given to Iraq and turned into shopping centers and low income housing.

  3. maybe they are building those bases for the iraq army to man after we leave??

  4. Okay.  What tin foil hat blog did you get that from?

  5. source or are you lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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