
There are BC pills that prevent implantation, instead of ovulation? If so, that is murder?

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I thought all BC pills prevent ovulation by tricking the body into thinking the woman is pregnant. Am I surprised to find out the other kind of BC pills. The ones that prevent ovulation make women fat, because of hormonal effects, so I guess this is why more and more women are now using the ones that prevent implantation. This would be a murder pill, yes? According to McCain and Hillary?




  1. Lol, murder of omission. So is to be abstinent the same thing as hating humanity?

  2. Say what huh,all birth control can make you gain weight.They don't trick the body into thinking it is pregnant I don't know all the technicalities of that but,I am sure that isn't it.THe one that prevents implation isn't birth control but plan b which is a whole nother thing

  3. Here's a thought - If you are so worried about it, use a condom!!

  4. preventing implantation is not aint even considered a fetus....its about 2 cells.

    implantation meaning attaching to the wall of the uterus?

    no thats not murder.

    well according to one of the saints (i forget who) life begins at 41 days after conception.....who you gonna believe?

  5. How can you murder something that doesn't exist? If a woman is not

    pregnant and doesn't get pregnant how is that killing anything besides time  By this reasoning men commit murder everytime they m********e because the possibility is that a sperm could have been a person so you have just killed all those possible people. i don't see men rushing to stop masturbating because of this do you??

  6. Not sure where you have been the last 10 years, but what you are describing is the "morning after" pill, which many consider problematic.  You may recall some pharmacists have refused to dispense them, and abortion advocates raised a ruckus.

  7. It would be murder like not producing a child whenever possible is murder by omission of creating life or something.  

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